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Updated: August 1, 2024

The countryman is obliged to surrender all this to satisfy the demands that are made upon him, and temptations; and, having parted with his wealth, he is left with an insufficiency, and he is forced to go whither his wealth has been carried and there he tries, in part, to obtain the money which he requires for his first needs in the country, and in part, being himself led away by the blandishments of the city, he enjoys, in company with others, the wealth that has there accumulated.

The evidence of the insufficiency of present methods being neglected by those in charge, that evidence makes itself known. In the long run this is the surest principle of progress, because it is brought into operation by those who have a nearer or more indispensable interest at stake.

Salvete, VIRI, artis medicae magister; Salvete amici; salvete fratres! It is my appointed task, my honorable privilege, this evening, to speak of what has been done by others. No one can bring his tribute of words into the presence of great deeds, or try with them to embellish the memory of any inspiring achievement, without feeling and leaving with others a sense of their insufficiency.

The most frequent cause for intervention during labor is insufficiency of the muscular contractions to overcome the resistance of the birth-canal. Unusual resistance of this kind explains the longer labors of women who have passed middle life before becoming pregnant. They may need to exercise more patience than younger women, though they have no greater reason to apprehend serious difficulties.

These are the two vices that beset Government Offices; both of them originating in insufficient Intellect, that sad insufficiency from which, directly or indirectly, all evil whatsoever springs! You cannot have your work well done, if the work be not of a right kind, if it be not work prescribed by the law of Nature as well as by the rules of the office.

What we know of the endocrine factors in heredity leads us to suppose that it is the mating of one marked endocrine insufficiency with another that is often responsible for the inherited tendency to feeble-mindedness and insanity. The effect of the hormone system upon the vegetative apparatus may create the more obscure insanities and quasi-insanities.

To the physiologist and the psychologist, the feeling of insufficiency is the disease, no matter how spectacular the overlaying phenomena a cripple on crutches or a man blind and speechless. Shell shock is now acknowledged to belong to this group. Now one of the outstanding effects of disease of the adrenal glands is the feelings of muscular and mental inefficiency.

"Carley, you will realize their insufficiency too late," he replied, earnestly. "The things you were born to are love, work, children, happiness." "Don't! don't!... they are hollow mockery for me," she cried, passionately. "Glenn, it is the end. It must come quickly.... You are free." "I do not ask to be free. Wait. Go home and look at it again with different eyes. Think things over.

For the education of the senses neglected, "all after-education partakes of a drowsiness, a haziness, and an insufficiency which it is impossible to cure." On its moral and social side the aims of the Kindergarten School are no less important.

To objections from this cause, it is a sufficient answer, that one main object of my attempt was to demonstrate the vagueness or insufficiency of the terms used in the metaphysical schools of France and Great Britain since the revolution, and that the errors which I propose to attack cannot subsist, except as they are concealed behind the mask of a plausible and indefinite nomenclature.

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