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Army surgeons are not altogether unfamiliar with these tricks, but compared with the artful Hindoos the British soldier is a mere child in such matters. Excision of the larynx has found its chief indication in carcinoma, but has been employed in sarcoma, polyps, tuberculosis, enchondroma, stenosis, and necrosis.

The hyaline enchondroma is of slow growth, but may at times assume immense proportions, as is shown in the accompanying illustration, given by Warren, of a patient in whom the growth was in the scapula. In 1824 there is quoted the description of a peculiar growth which, though not definitely described, may be spoken of here.

Virchow has divided chondromata into two forms those which he calls ecchondromata, which grow from cartilage, and those that grow independently from cartilage, or the enchondromata, which latter are in the great majority. Enchondroma is often found on the long bones, and very frequently upon the bones of the hands or on the metatarsal bones.

They usually project from the surface of the bone, and may attain an enormous size; sometimes they grow in the interior of a bone, the so-called enchondroma. The hyaline cartilage composing the tumour frequently undergoes myxomatous degeneration, resulting in the formation of a glairy, semi-fluid jelly, and if this change takes place throughout the tumour it comes to resemble a cyst.

Chondroma, or enchondroma, is a cartilaginous tumor occurring principally where cartilage is normally found, but sometimes in regions containing no cartilage. Enchondroma may be composed of osteoid tissue, such as is found in the ossifying callous between the bone and the periosteum, and, according to Virchow, then takes the name of osteochondroma.