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When she began to refuse food and before she was tube-fed regularly, she twice had syncopal attacks and lost considerable flesh which was gradually regained under tube-feeding. After the diarrhea she was habitually constipated. Cyanosis of the extremities seemed to have been present only at first.

Perhaps there is no class of cardiac diseases in which more frequent striking relief can be obtained than in these cases of mitral stenosis. If the congestion of the lungs is very great, and death seems imminent from cardiac paralysis, if cyanosis is serious, and bloody. frothy mucus is being expectorated, venesection and an intramuscular injection of aseptic ergot may be indicated.

Pressure on the thoracic veins and on the air-passage causes cyanosis and dyspnœa. When the œsophagus is pressed upon, the patient may have difficulty in swallowing.

Vomiting of mucus, bloody or dark coffee-ground matters, purging and tenesmus, followed by collapse, feeble pulse, cyanosis and pallor of the skin; also swelling of tongue, with dysphagia. In some cases cramps and numbness in limbs, pain in head and back, delirium and convulsions. May be tetanus or coma.

Seven eighths at least of all chronic diseases are produced by the existence in the system of that infectious disorder known in the language of science by the appellation of PSORA, but to the less refined portion of the community by the name of ITCH. In the words of Hahnemann's "Organon," "This Psora is the sole true and fundamental cause that produces all the other countless forms of disease, which, under the names of nervous debility, hysteria, hypochondriasis, insanity, melancholy, idiocy, madness, epilepsy, and spasms of all kinds, softening of the bones, or rickets, scoliosis and cyphosis, caries, cancer, fungua haematodes, gout, yellow jaundice and cyanosis, dropsy, "

Nausea, vomiting, hurried respiration, marked cyanosis, syncope. Persistent sneezing and widespread urticaria may be present; collapse. =Aniline= is an oily liquid, heavier than, and not soluble in, water. It is colourless or reddish-brown; it has a peculiar tar-like odour; it is soluble in alcohol, and forms a soluble sulphate with sulphuric acid.

The first symptoms of lack of compensation with the lesion of mitral stenosis are lung symptoms dyspnea, cough, bronchitis, slight cyanosis, sometimes blood streaks in the expectorated mucus and froth, and, if the congestion is considerable, some edema of the posterior part of the lungs, if the patient is in bed.

This condition has a name in medical writings, from a Greek word expressive of the blue tint which characterises it, and is called cyanosis. It depends on the blood not having undergone completely those changes in the lungs which take place in the healthy state. The blood, as it returns through the veins to the right side of the heart, is of a deep purple hue.

Catalepsy: Waxy flexibility or merely a tendency to maintain artificial positions is a frequent but not an essential symptom. Physical Condition: Not infrequently we find in the beginning or in the course of the stupor an elevation of temperature to 101°, 102° or even 103°. In one case we found a marked cyanosis in the extremities. Case 2 showed marked loss of hair.

When the dilatation occurs suddenly, as indicated by a fluttering heart, a low tension, rapid pulse, dyspnea and perhaps cyanosis with venous stasis in the capillaries, death is imminent, although such patients may be saved by proper aid.