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There are several sanatoriums in this country where the diet, hydrotherapy and exercise necessary for developing heart strength are carried out, and patients are sent to some of them with great advantage. It has been found that these stimulant baths do not act well in mitral stenosis, if the left ventricle is small.

"There are extremely private asylums and so-called sanatoriums where the discipline is strict, and no questions are asked. One sometimes reads in the papers of cases in which mild-mannered keepers in defending themselves against the attacks of violent patients are obliged to use force with disastrous results. It is in such places that our investigations should begin." "Dear me! Dear me!" Mr.

"First of all," he began, "the doctors wound up by losing all hope for me. Gave me a few months at best, and that, after a course in sanatoriums and a trip to Europe and another to Hawaii. They tried electricity, and forced feeding, and fasting. I was a graduate of about everything in the curriculum. They kept me poor with their bills while I went from bad to worse.

"Oh, I looked you over long ago," said Charlton with a coolness that both amused and exasperated her. "You wouldn't do at all. You are very attractive to look at and to talk with. Your money would be useful to some plans I've got for some big sanatoriums along the line of Schulze's up at Saint Christopher. But " He shook his head, smiling at her through a cloud of cigarette smoke.

Temple Temple Barholm left the house taking a midnight train, and leaving no clue as to his where-abouts or intentions." "Disappeared! " said the duke. "Where has he been looked for?" The countenance of both Mr. Palford and his party expressed a certain degree of hesitance. "Principally in asylums and so-called sanatoriums," Mr. Grimby admitted with a hint of reluctance.

The holidays she spent were in sanatoriums and hospitals, but she gloried in her illnesses. She would make the journey upstairs for the scissors rather than ask anyone to bring them down for her, and then cherish a hurt feeling for the next hour because nobody noticed that she was needing scissors.

And a good part of that time, you know, I spent in hospitals and sanatoriums, and traveling around with trained nurses and three or four relatives to wait on me and humor my whims. Even when I was studying music abroad it was that way. And I suppose I'm not really strong now. So I couldn't help being afraid. But I don't want your sympathy. You need not scold Hamilton any more, either.

We fill our field of consciousness with thoughts of the strong, and the health of life; we shut out the diseased, the dwarfed, the imperfect. We force the pictures of hospitals and sanatoriums out of our mind; we look at our bodies no matter how they look, or how much of disease they are then expressing, and we see only the whole, the new, the complete.

Trips to watering-places alternated with visits to sanatoriums. In those places sat the pallid, anaemic women who had been tortured and ruined by their own or alien guilt. There they sat and engaged in wretched flirtations with flighty neurasthenics. And gradually things went from bad to worse. The physicians shrugged their friendly shoulders.

"Children's Day" is a school holiday, and the children dress in the old picturesque Danish costumes; they then go about the town and market-places begging alms for the sanatoriums in their collecting-boxes. In this way a large sum is collected for these charities. "Knocking-the-cat-out-of-the-barrel" is an old custom of the peasantry which takes place the Monday before Lent.