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VECINA. Jesús, señora, no hay de qué ... entre vecinas y amigas hoy por ti, mañana por ... ¡y nosotras que vamos a ser tan amigas!... como que vivimos en el mismo piso ... porque aquí en esta casa, como en todas, con el vecino de al lado es con quien se trata ... y nadie quiere bajarse ... ni subir escaleras ... muy bien hecho ... cada oveja con su pareja ... la marquesa con el canónigo en el piso principal ... en el segundo, el abogado con el comerciante ... en el tercero, el agente de negocios con la viuda del coronel ... así en los demás pisos ... por eso también nadie trata con la encajera ... verdad es que no hay más guardilla que la suya ... y luego ya le dije a usted que es muy necia y muy vana.... Pero voyme corriendo, que dejé la sartén a la lumbre, no sea que se me queme la salchicha ... porque ha de saber usted que mi marido almuerza todos los días salchicha.

By a most fortunate chance I found a perfect tooth, which exactly fitted one of the sockets in this skull, embedded by itself on the banks of the Rio Tercero, at the distance of about 180 miles from this place. I found remains of this extraordinary animal at two other places, so that it must formerly have been common.

Towards the west, at the foot of the hill on which stands Madrid, is a canal running parallel with the Manzanares for some leagues, from which it is separated by pleasant and fertile meadows. The banks of this canal, which was begun by Carlos Tercero, and has never been completed, are planted with beautiful trees, and form the most delightful walk in the neighbourhood of the capital.

We started by moonlight and arrived at the Rio Tercero by sunrise. The river is also called the Saladillo, and it deserves the name, for the water is brackish. I stayed here the greater part of the day, searching for fossil bones.

We started by moonlight and arrived at the Rio Tercero by sunrise. This river is also called the Saladillo, and it deserves the name, for the water is brackish. I stayed here the greater part of the day, searching for fossil bones.

X, p. 369. In relation to Montoya, Luis de Leon says: 'Y cuanto toca al capítulo tercero, si yo no temiera aquella sentencia Malédici regnum Dei non possidebunt, y aquella Invicem mordentes, invicem consumemini, yo pudiera relatar mas de dos cosas, algo mas pesadas que es dar un agnus Dei un fraile á otro sin pedir al perlado licencia, de las cuales este hombre religioso no hace escrúpulo.

By a most fortunate chance I found a perfect tooth, which exactly fitted one of the sockets in this skull, embedded by itself on the banks of the Rio Tercero, at the distance of about 180 miles from this place. I found remains of this extraordinary animal at two other places, so that it must formerly have been common.

Carlos Tercero, our great king, sent his own painter from Madrid to execute it. It is now in the possession of a friend of mine, Don Ramon Valdez, an advocate." Thereupon he led me to the house of Don Ramon Valdez, who very politely exhibited the portrait of Feijoo.

Opposite that is another really beautiful park, from the western side of which runs a broad street that leads to the Paseo de Carlos Tercero, formerly the Paseo de Tacon, one of the monuments left to his own memory by one of Cuba's most noted Spanish rulers. The Paseo runs westward to El Castillo del Principe, originally a fortress but now a penitentiary.