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"And I've sewed you up in your hammock, too, for sarten that is, just as sure as you fetched across that there streaky mule of yourn, arter sailing over the ocean for three weeks, and made a guernsey frock out of a Manilla hawser!"

The girl continued to stir the pot, and then said without looking up, but as if also continuing a train of aggressive thoughts with her occupation: "Eay, but 'e's so set oop in 'issen 'ee doan't take orders from nobbut leastways doctor. Moinds 'em now moor nor a floy. Says 'ee knaws there nowt wrong wi' 'is 'eart. Mout be roight how'siver, sarten sewer, 'is 'EAD'S a' in a muddle!

Well! to be sure, I never shall forget the day you come back again to us! and the night of the ball! and you dancing with my lady, and all so happy; then, to be sure, all were sarten it was to be immediately And now to go and break my poor lady's heart at the last Oh, sir, sir! if you could but see her, it would touch a heart of marble!"

"Here's sure death and sarten for some o' the dogs, master," quoth he, "and now if there truly be a God aloft there, all I ask is one chance at Alexo Valdez as burns women and maids, as tortures the innocent, as killed my friend and druv me into the wild one chance, master, and I'm done!"

"By means o' this, master!" said he, and stooping towards the fire showed me a middling-sized black thorn upon his open palm. "Not much to look at, master no, but 'tis death sure and sarten, howsomever. I've many more besides; I make 'em into darts and shoot 'em through a blowpipe a trick I larned o' the Indians.

'If yo' ken make a blamed thing out er it, we'd all like to har it; wouldn't we, boys? "They all assented. I was just out of school and read pretty well. After reading ten minutes, I closed the book, and asked Jordan if I should read anymore. "'Sarten, he said. 'That war fine. It are like that mornin' at Murfreesborough when all thar bugles war callin' 'nd ther big guns war beginnin' ter roar.

"You have done wisely and well in coming here," said Mr, Mordacks, cheerfully; "but we must have further particulars, my friend. You seem to have hit upon the clew I wanted, but it must be followed very cautiously. You know where to lay your hand upon this villain? You have had the sense not to scare him off?" "Sarten, your honor. I could clap the irons on him any hour you gives that signal."

I'd killed, you see, the drake and two ducks, dead at the first fire, but three was only wounded, wing-tipped, and leg-broken, and I can't tell you what all. It was all of nine o'clock at night, and dark as all out doors, afore I gathered them three ducks, but I did gather 'em; Lord, boys, why I'd stay till mornin, but I'd a got them, sarten.

"You needn't trouble to throw out your line, little Will'm," said he, "that ere takes no bait, not it." "Why?" asked the boy. "Because it's something else to do than forage for itself. I dare say its master an't far off." "What is it?" "That be the pilot-fish. See! turns away from us. It gone back to him as has sent it." "Sent it! Who, Ben?" "A shark, for sarten. Didn't I tell ye? Look yonder.

Well, then, I fell a thinkin', and then I sairched my pockets, and arter a piece found two green cartridges of number three, as Archer gave me in the Spring, so I drawed out the small shot, and inned with these, and put fresh caps on to be sarten.