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Later the old Mexican cut down the belt to fit Pete and taught him how to hang the gun to the best advantage. Then he taught Pete to "draw," impressing upon him that while accuracy was exceedingly desirable, a quick draw was absolutely essential. Pete practiced early and late, more than disgusted because Montoya made him practice with an empty gun.

If I can't git a boy, I'll come back and stay till you git one." Montoya nodded and strode out to where the sheep had drifted. The dogs jumped up and welcomed him. It was not customary for their master to leave them for so long alone with the flock. Their wagging tails and general attitude expressed relief.

Pete had witnessed too many horse-trades to accept this proposal at once. His face expressed deep cogitation, as he flicked the ashes from his cigarette and shook his head. "I dunno. Roth is a pretty good boss. 'Course, he ain't no gun-fighter and that's kind of in your favor " "What hombre say I make fight with gun?" queried Montoya. "Why, everybody!

To be shut from the sun and the space of the range perhaps for life or to be sentenced to be hanged, powerless to make any kind of a fight, without friends or money . . . He thought of The Spider, of Boca, of Montoya, and of Pop Annersley; of Andy White and Bailey. He wondered if Ed Brevoort had got clear of El Paso. He knew that there was some one in the hall, waiting.

Governor Montoya, who was a very influential man in the conspiracy and styled himself the "Santa Ana of the North," was tried by court-martial, convicted, and executed on February 7th, in the presence of the army. Fourteen others were tried for participating in the murder of Governor Bent and the others who were killed on the 19th of January, and were convicted and executed.

"You can tell me about the boats as we go. That's what takes my eye. What's that big one coming in?" "Rotterdammer. The one behind her is a coaster Menacho, Puig & Co. Look up stream there's a big Cunarder just swinging out. Hello, there's the Rosenthal and Montoya stuff now!" A string of heavily-laden drays moved slowly down the rock-paved street. "Lights out! Protect yourself!" thought Steve.

He also taught him one trick which, while not considered legitimate by most professional gunmen, was exceedingly worth while on account of its deadly unexpectedness and that was to shoot through the open holster without drawing the gun. Such practice allowed of only a limited range, never higher than a man's belt, but as Montoya explained, a shot belt-high and center was most effective.

Old Montoya, wise in his way, knew that something had occurred, yet he asked no further questions, but rolled a cigarette and smoked, wondering whether Young Pete were dissatisfied with the pay he gave him for Pete now got two dollars a week and his meals. Montoya thought of offering him more. The boy was worth more. But he would wait.

The cat-skins are all right. The coyote ain't worth much." "All right. I I'm needin' the money right now," stammered Pete "or I'd give 'em to you." "How you making it?" queried Roth. "Fine! But I was thinkin' o' makin' a change. Sheep is all right but I'm sick o' the smell of 'em. Montoya is all right, too. It ain't that."

In his e-mail of September 3, 1998, Roberto Hernández Montoya, Head of BitBlioteca, explains the way he sees the relationship between the print media and the Internet: "The printed text can't be replaced, at least not for the foreseeable future. The paper book is a tremendous 'machine'. We can't leaf through an electronic book in the same way as a paper book.