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"Friend Abogado," said Father Felipe with extraordinary deliberation, "the document thou hast just described so eloquently convinces me beyond all doubt that Don Jose is not only perfectly sane but endowed with a singular discretion.

VECINA. Jesús, señora, no hay de qué ... entre vecinas y amigas hoy por ti, mañana por ... ¡y nosotras que vamos a ser tan amigas!... como que vivimos en el mismo piso ... porque aquí en esta casa, como en todas, con el vecino de al lado es con quien se trata ... y nadie quiere bajarse ... ni subir escaleras ... muy bien hecho ... cada oveja con su pareja ... la marquesa con el canónigo en el piso principal ... en el segundo, el abogado con el comerciante ... en el tercero, el agente de negocios con la viuda del coronel ... así en los demás pisos ... por eso también nadie trata con la encajera ... verdad es que no hay más guardilla que la suya ... y luego ya le dije a usted que es muy necia y muy vana.... Pero voyme corriendo, que dejé la sartén a la lumbre, no sea que se me queme la salchicha ... porque ha de saber usted que mi marido almuerza todos los días salchicha.

"I shall not be here long, Senor Abogado," he says; "I wish you and the padre to watch over my wife and child. YOU are a 'caballero' and 'buen Cristiano." Padre Francisco has proved that the young leader is a true child of the Church. The finest horse on the rancho is led to the door. It is trapped with Don Miguel's state equipment. With a wave of the hand, he says: "Senor, vayase V. con Dios.

Tucker had politely asked after the absent Don José, Doña Clara wound her swarthy arms around the fair American's waist and replied, "But why did you send for the abogado Poindexter when my brother called?" "But Captain Poindexter calls as one of my friends," said the amazed Mrs. Tucker. "He is a gentleman, and has been a soldier and an officer," she added with some warmth.

Tucker had politely asked after the absent Don Jose, Dona Clara wound her swarthy arms around the fair American's waist and replied, "But why did you send for the abogado Poindexter when my brother called?" "But Captain Poindexter calls as one of my friends," said the amazed Mrs. Tucker. "He is a gentleman, and has been a soldier and an officer," she added with some warmth.