United States or Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The comandante, Don Senor el Coronel Encarnacion Rios, who was loyal to the Ins and suspected Goodwin's devotion to the Outs, hissed: "Aha!" and wrote in his secret memorandum book the accusive fact that Senor Goodwin had on that momentous date received a telegram. In the midst of the hullabaloo a man stepped to the door of a small wooden building and looked out.

Von Spee had it at Coronel, Sturdee at the Falklands, and there is no reason to suppose that if the persons had been exchanged, the result would have been any different.

For this purpose he sent Peter Fernandez Coronel, the commander of the two newly arrived ships, whom he chose for this employment because he was a man of worth and in authority, and because he could certify to Roldan and the mutineers of the arival of the admiral in Spain, the good reception he had found there, and the willingness their majesties had expressed to support his authority in the Indies.

A variety of dishes were now brought upon the table; most of them new to us, but all piquant, pleasant to the taste, and peculiar. The major tried them all, determined to find out which he might like best a piece of knowledge that he said would serve him upon some future occasion. The Don seemed to take a pleasure in helping the major, whom he honoured by the title of "Senor Coronel."

It is possible that we may go unharmed among even los Ossos Vermelhos the Red Bones. We shall see. "Of the Raposa I think I do know something. I have seen him." Everyone except Pedro sat up with a start. "You have seen him?" exclaimed the coronel. "When? Where? How? Why have you not spoken of it?" "Because, Coronel, I forgot it until now.

They were the DIEGO RAMIREZ, of Nantucket; the CORONEL, of Providence, Rhode Island; and the GRAMPUS, of New Bedford. These were the first whale-ships we had yet seen, and it may be imagined how anxious we felt to meet men with whom we could compare notes and exchange yarns.

That is why one of our canoes is gone," said Pedro. "We are ready to start." "You mistake," the old gentleman laughed. "We do not want him back. Nothing else is missing." Whereat Pedro looked slightly surprised. Lourenço's lips curved in a faint grin. Neither made any further comment. The coronel plunged at once into the business for which they had been summoned.

The people seemed to enjoy them raw, in which state they are considered to be most nutritious; and when roasted in their shells, or made into omelettes, they are a favourite article of food with all classes. Coronel is a great coaling station, and the bay, which is surrounded by tall chimneys, shafts, and piers, connected with the mines, was full of steamers and colliers.

From the edge, some thirty feet above, the taller of the two watchers answered: "Si, senhor. The headquarters of the coronel. Do you come to visit him?" "Right." "Then permit me to help you. The path is a little ahead. Pull up and tie to this stake." The tall fellow came dropping swiftly downward. At the same time the other Brazilian stepped back and was gone.

The Señor Coronel Turnbull was formally presented to the Señor de la Cruz and by him to his charming family and their many friends, but the junior officer, on the score of recent and severe illness, had begged to be excused.