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You may kiss the book on that. Does mandy jin the lav adree Rommanis for a Jack-o'-lantern the dood that prasters, and hatches, an' kells o' the ratti, parl the panni, adree the puvs? Avali; some pens 'em the Momeli Mullos, and some the Bitti Mullos.

On returning to his State, Sforza had been confirmed in its possession as a vassal of the Church by a bull of Julius II. He endeavored to rule wisely, made many improvements, and strengthened the castle of Pesaro. He was a cultivated man given over to the study of philosophy. Ratti, a biographer of the house of Sforza, mentions a catalogue which he compiled of the entire archives of Pesaro.

Then he went that road again, to the same house, and said, "Look here at this fine kettle! I gave six shillings for it, and you shall have it for the same money, because you have been so good to me." That man was like a great many men very benevolent to himself. If a Rommany chal gets nashered an' can't latch his drum i' the ratti, he shells avree, "Hup, hup Rom-ma-ny, Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!"

We'll lel moro habben acai, and jal andurer by-an'-byus, an' then jal by ratti, so's the Gorgios won't dick us. I jins a kushti puv for the graias; we'll hatch 'pre in the sala, before they latcher we've been odoi, an' jal an the drum an' lel moro habben." "It is pleasant for the Gipsies in the summer-time. Then they can go along the road, and pitch their tent here and there in the land.

The Rommany never kair dovo they'd sooner besh in the bavol puv firstus. We'd putch the farming rye for mukkaben to hatch the ratti adree the granja,but we'd sooner suv under the bor in the bishnoo than jal adree the chuvveny-ker. The Rommany chals aint sim to tramps, for they've got a different drum into 'em."

There's grais an' mylas can dick mullos by the ratti; an' yeckorus I had a grai that was trasher 'dree a tem langs the rikkorus of a drum, pash a boro park where a mush had been mullered. He prastered a mee pauli, but pash a cheirus he welled apopli to the wardos. A chinned jucko or a wixen can hunt mullos.