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Boro Duvel, or "Great God," an Old Gipsy term for Water Bishnoo or Vishnu, the Rain-God The Rain, called God's Blood by Gipsies The Snow, "Angel's Feathers."

Duvel is Duvel all the world over but by the right formation, Vishnoo is the Duvel's ratt. I've shuned adovo but dusta cheiruses. An' the snow is poris, that jals from the angels' winguses. And what I penned, that Bishnoo is the Duvel's ratt, is puro Rommanis, and jinned by saw our foki." Now in India, Vishnu and Indra are the gods of the rain.

The learned, who insist that as there ought to be, so there must be, but a single source of derivation for every word, ignoring the fact that a dozen causes may aid in its formation, will at once declare that, as Bishnoo or Vishnoo is derived from the old Gipsy Brishni or Brschindo, and this from the Hindu Barish, and the Sanscrit Varish or Prish, there can be "no rational ground" for connecting the English Gipsy word with the Hindu god.

I thought that this was a singular message to come from a tent at Battersea, and asked my special Gipsy factotum, why God should be called water, or water, God? And he replied in the following words: "Panni is the Boro Duvel, and it is Bishnoo or Vishnoo, because it pells alay from the Boro Duvel. 'Vishnu is the Boro Duvel then? Avali. There can't be no stretch adoi can there, rya?

The Rommany never kair dovo they'd sooner besh in the bavol puv firstus. We'd putch the farming rye for mukkaben to hatch the ratti adree the granja,but we'd sooner suv under the bor in the bishnoo than jal adree the chuvveny-ker. The Rommany chals aint sim to tramps, for they've got a different drum into 'em."

If a woman burn separately, only three days' uncleanness will be observed for her; but if in the same fire ten days. "Asouch Shunkar. If another person die before the last day of uncleanness for a death or birth, then the uncleanness on account of the second person's death will be included in the first, and the time not lengthened out. "Bishnoo Pooran.