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"Indifferently so, Jasper. Then you think you might trust your wife with the duke?" "I think I could, brother, or even with yourself." "Myself, Jasper! Oh, I never troubled my head about your wife; but I suppose there have been love affairs between gorgios and Romany chies.

This is not the first poisoning affair she has been engaged in." "You allude to drabbing bawlor." "Bah!" said Mr. Petulengro; "there's no harm in that. No, no! she has cast drows in her time for other guess things than bawlor; both Gorgios and Romans have tasted of them, and died. Did you never hear of the poisoned plum pudding?" "Never." "Then I will tell you about it.

Sinfi's creed did not surprise me: the mixture of guile and simplicity in the Romany race is only understood by the few who know it thoroughly: the race whose profession it is to cheat by fortune-telling, to read the false 'dukkeripen' as being 'good enough for the Gorgios, believe profoundly in nature's symbols; but her bearing did surprise me.

'My poor mammy used to say, "The Gorgios believes when they ought to disbelieve, and they disbelieve when they ought to believe, and that gives the Romanies a chance." 'Sinfi Lovell, said Wilderspin, 'that saying of your mother's touches at the very root of romantic art.

The lyric is without rhyme, but, as sung, not without rhythm. "Look at the Gorgios, the Gorgios around me! trying to take my life away. "I will wade up to my knees in blood, all for my happy boy. "My husband is taken to prison, to prison, to prison; my husband is taken to prison, to the place of which I know." Difficulty of obtaining Information. The Khedive on the Gipsies. Mr Edward Elias.

Petulengro; 'one of those whom we call Boro drom engroes, and the gorgios highway-men. I once heard a rye say that the life of that man would fetch much money; so come to the other side of the hill, and write the lil in the tent of Jasper and his wife Pakomovna. At first I felt inclined to accept the invitation of Mr. Petulengro; a little consideration, however, determined me to decline it.

She was silent in apprehension. He waited, but she did not speak. "The Gorgio of Gorgios of the Sagalac has had a fall," he said. Her heart beat fast for an instant, and then the presentiment came to her that the man spoke the truth. In the presence of the accomplished thing, she became calm. "What has happened?" she asked quietly.

She loves you so, that she could have wished to have seen you eat it all; good-bye, brother, I daresay when I am gone you will eat some more of it, and if you don't, I daresay you have eaten enough to to show your love for us. After all it was a poor person's cake, a Rommany manricli, and all you gorgios are somewhat gorgious. Farewell, brother, pretty brother, gray-haired brother. Come, juggal.

Let him have his say. It is his capital. He has only breath and beauty." Jethro shrank from the sharp irony of her tongue as he would not have shrunk before her father's violence. Biting rejection was in her tones. He knew dimly that the thing he shrank from belonged to nothing Romany in her, but to that scornful pride of the Gorgios which had kept the Romany outside the social pale.

Of Gorgios generally, however, Sinfi had at heart a feeling somewhat akin to dread. I could not understand it. 'Why do you dislike the Gorgios, Sinfi? I said to her one day on Lake Ogwen, after the return of the Lovells to Wales.