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These multifarious writings and doubtless the novelty of his central theme attracted the notice of German philologers and linguists, of all lovers of freedom, folklore and verse. Leading Italian writers like Cantupraised him highly; Lamartine, in 1844, wrote to him: "Je suis bien-heureux de ce signe de fraternite poetique et politique entre vous et moi.

And what 'av you been learning, Maud, my dear cheaile music, French, German, eh? 'Yes, a little; and I had just begun the use of the globes when my governess went away. I nodded towards the globes, which stood near her, as I said this. 'Oh! yes the globes; and she spun one of them with her great hand. 'Je vous expliquerai tout cela

The brightness heaven and earth conspiring to be bright the levity and quiet of the air; the odd stirring silence more stirring than a tumult; the snow, the frost, the enchanted landscape: all have their part in the effect and on the memory, "tous vous tapent sur la tête"; and yet when you have enumerated all, you have gone no nearer to explain or even to qualify the delicate exhilaration that you feel delicate, you may say, and yet excessive, greater than can be said in prose, almost greater than an invalid can bear.

At Plate 33, Robert is still a journalist; he brings to the editor of a paper an article of his composition, a violent attack on a law. "My dear M. Macaire," says the editor, "this must be changed; we must PRAISE this law." "Bon, bon!" says our versatile Macaire. "Je vais retoucher ca, et je vous fais en faveur de la loi UN ARTICLE MOUSSEUX." Can such things be?

'Je pars, Madame, dans L'instant, en Sorte que vous feriez reflection, et retourniez au plus vite, tout doit vous Engager, si vous avez de l'amitie pour mois, Car je ne puis pas me dispenser de vous repeter, Combien chaque jour de votre absence faira du tor a mes affaier outre Le desire d'avoire une Coinpagnie si agreable dans une si triste solitude, que ma malheureuse situation m'oblige indispensablement de tenire.

He was like the Cid Campeador, to whom the Sheik Jabias said: ...Vous éclatiez, avec des rayons jusqu'aux cieux, Dans une préséance éblouissante aux yeux; Vous marchiez, entouré d'un ordre de bataille; Aucun sommet n'était trop haut pour votre taille, Et vous étiez un fils d'une telle fierté Que les aigles volaient tous de votre côté....

But Laurence Vanderlyn was not subjected to so dread an ordeal; at last there floated to where he was standing the welcome cry of "En voiture! En voiture, s'il vous plaît!" The dark serpentine mass on which the lonely man's eyes were fixed shivered as though it were a sentient being waking to life, and slowly the train began to move.

"Vous êtes belle, et votre soeur est belle; Entre vous deux, tout choix serait bien doux. L'Amour êtait blond, comme vous, Mais il aimait une brune, comme elle." They had beautiful figures as well as faces, and dressed peculiarly and so as to display them to the greatest advantage.

"I think there is a girl sick here," said Peter. "May I see her?" The woman stared still harder, and he thought she was going to refuse him admission, but at length she gave way. "Entrez," she said. "Je pense que vous savez le chambre. Mais, le bouquet c'est incroyable." Peter went up the stairs and knocked at the door. A voice asked who was there, and he smiled because he could not say.

I hummed noiselessly: "si vous passez par ma vil-le n'oubliez pas ma maison; on y mang-e de bonne sou-pe Ton Ton Tay-ne; faite de merde et les onions, Ton Ton Tayne Ton Ton Ton,"