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'Winifred veut tant faire le portrait de Bismarck-! Oh, mais toute la matinee-"We will do Bismarck this morning!"-Bismarck, Bismarck, toujours Bismarck! C'est un lapin, n'est-ce pas, mademoiselle? 'Oui, c'est un grand lapin blanc et noir. Vous ne l'avez pas vu? said Gudrun in her good, but rather heavy French. 'Non, mademoiselle, Winifred n'a jamais voulu me le faire voir.

When we walk down the steep, quaint streets to revel in the purchase of moccasins and water-proof coats and camping supplies, we read on a wall the familiar but transformed legend, L'enfant pleurs, il veut son Camphoria, and remember with joy that no infant who weeps in French can impose any responsibility upon us in these days of our renewed honeymoon.

Cautiously feeling his way down a corridor, he opened a door, which he thought the right one; then the tragedy occurred. Suddenly a quiet voice said to him in French out of the gloom: "Monsieur desire quelque chose? Je serai charmee de donner a Monsieur ce qu'il voudra s'il veut bien rester a la porte." The wretched Russian student imagined he was lost; it was the wife of a Minister!

NE FAIT PAS CE TOUR QUI VEUT. His affections were often enough touched, but perhaps never engaged. He was all his life on a voyage of discovery, but it does not appear conclusively that he ever touched the happy isle. A man brings to love a deal of ready-made sentiment, and even from childhood obscurely prognosticates the symptoms of this vital malady.

Madame Buviere says he never gave the queen a good word; and when she spoke to him he used to say, "Que me veut cette femme?" In his interesting Memoirs he tells of a visit he paid the queen mother, then an exile in Paris. He found her with her youngest daughter, Henrietta, in the chamber of the latter. How true," says this gossip, "God knows."

Perhaps you are not familiar with the quatrain: "'Sire, si vous laissez, comme Charles désire, Comme Diane veut, par trop vous gouverner, Foudre, pétrir, mollir, refondre, retourner, Sire vous n'êtes plus, vous n'êtes plus que cire."

Mon portrait jusqu'ici ne m'a rien reproche; Mais pour mon frere l'ours, on ne l'a qu'ebauche; Jamais, s'il me veut croire, il ne se fera peindre." Granting that his brother the bear lacked perfection in details, his own figure as monkey was not necessarily ideal or decorative, nor was he in the least sure what form it might take even in one generation.

In the 15th century the mandrake enjoyed in Italy so great a reputation as an erotic stimulant, that the celebrated Macchiavelli wrote a much admired comedy upon it, called "La Mandragora." The subject of this piece, according to Voltaire, who asserts "qu'il vaut, peut être mieux que toutes les pièces d'Aristophane, est un jeune homme adroit qui veut coucher avec la femme de son voisin. Il engage, avec de l'argent, un moine, un Fa tutto ou un Fa molto,

He refers to Salis and Matthisson, but Lamartine and people of his kidney come in 'Melancholy gentlemen' pardon, my dear Elodie, if I quote it in English 'Melancholy gentlemen to whom life was only a dismal swamp, upon whose margin they walked with cambric handkerchiefs in their hands, sobbing and sighing and making signals to Death to come and ferry them over the lake. Cela veut dire," he made a marvellous French paraphrase for Elodie's benefit.

I go all the time, and Lucette Dargois, she go with me and her brother holy, what an eye had she in her head, that Lucette! As we go we sing a song all right, and there is no one sing so better as Norinne: "'C'est la belle Francoise, Allons gai! C'est la belle Francoise, Qui veut se marier, Ma luron lurette! Qui veut se marier, Ma luron lure! "Ver' good, bagosh!