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"Charmee de vous voir, Madame Tom-bulle. Vous vous portez bien; n'est-ce pas?" "Ve," replied Mrs Turnbull, who thus exhausted her knowledge of the French language while the Monsieur tried in vain, first on one side, and then on the other, to get from under the lee of his wife and make his bow.

French, I generally have a glass of wine and a biscuit, at the confectioner's, about this time. Will you give me the pleasure of your company? 'Charmee, Monsieur! I generally go in for the same kind of thing. So they repaired to the cake-shop, and sat talking for half-an-hour of trifles which made them laugh. 'And you really didn't know me? said Fanny, when her glass of wine was finished.

I replied all the time: "Combien je suis charmee, Madame.... Oh! Certainement.... Oh oui!... Oh non!... Ah!... Oh!... Oh!..." I was getting dazed, idiotic worn out with standing. I had only one idea, and that was to get my rings off the fingers that were swelling with the repeated grips they were enduring.

"Andrew, why didn't you warn me?" said the princess, with mild reproach, as she stood before her pilgrims like a hen before her chickens. "Charmee de vous voir. Je suis tres contente de vous voir," * she said to Pierre as he kissed her hand.

Raisky had written to Paulina Karpovna asking her if he might call the next day about one o'clock. Her answer ran: "Charmee, j'attends...." and so on. He found her in her boudoir in a stifling atmosphere of burning incense, with curtains drawn to produce a mysterious twilight. She wore a white muslin frock with wide lace sleeves, with a yellow dahlia at her breast.

Cautiously feeling his way down a corridor, he opened a door, which he thought the right one; then the tragedy occurred. Suddenly a quiet voice said to him in French out of the gloom: "Monsieur desire quelque chose? Je serai charmee de donner a Monsieur ce qu'il voudra s'il veut bien rester a la porte." The wretched Russian student imagined he was lost; it was the wife of a Minister!

I, being foremost, and she silent, was compelled to speak to the figure in darkness: "Madame de Genlis nous a fait l'honneur de nous mander qu'elle voulait bien nous permettre de lui rendre visite, et de lui offrir nos respects," said I, or words to that effect: to which she replied by taking my hand and saying something in which charmee was the most intelligible word.

Beside her sat the little old man in the brown coat and the goloshes instead of boots. On seeing me, he jumped up and ran out of the room. In response to my greeting, the old lady smiled and said: "Je suis charmée de vous revoir, monsieur." "What are you making?" I asked, a little later. "It's a blouse.