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"Monsieur," said the soft voice at last, "Monsieur desire savoir si je consens si enfin, si je veux me marier avec lui?" "Justement." "Monsieur sera-t-il aussi bon mari qu'il a ete bon maitre?" "I will try, Frances."

Quand elle aura quinze ans passe Il faudra la marier Avec un p'tit bonhomme Que viendra de Rome. "Hola! Patrick," I cried; "good luck to you! Is it a girl or a boy?" "SALUT! m'sieu'," he answered, jumping up and waving his pipe. "It is a girl AND a boy!" Sure enough, as I entered the door, I beheld Angelique rocking the other half of the reward of virtue in the new cradle.

The Marquis stood there glowering, and never offered to dance with Victorine; she must have been cross! We had another farewell all round when the valse was over Godmamma would not stay for another, and even "Antoine" seemed sorry to say "Adieu." "Dépêchez-vous de vous marier," he said, "et ensuite revenez auprès de nous.

Je vais me marier avec un avocat." "Un avocat!" "Oui, Mademoiselle. I will marry myself with Monsieur Aristabule Bragg, if Mademoiselle shall permit." Eve was perfectly mute with astonishment, notwithstanding the proofs she had often seen of the wide range that the ambition of an American of a certain class allows itself.

The words of a song, sung carelessly in a clear, girlish voice, came to us from beyond. "Je voudrais bien me marier, Je voudrais bien me marier, Mais j'ai qrand' peur de me tromper: Mais j'ai grand' peur de me tromper: Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lurette, Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lure." "We have come at the very zenith of opportunity," I whispered. "Hush!" he said.

'Twont do us no harm, nohow, I'd like to be home to-morrer 'n' go to church with mother, 'n' sister Marier, 'n' er I mean the rest of the folks. Then I'd jest eat all the afternoon. I ain't goin' ter git homesick, Shorty; but a feller can't help feelin' a little streaked once 'n' a while. Mebbe it's a good idee fer 'em to keep us on the jump, fer then we don't git no chance to think 'bout it.

"Vous avez passé ce diantre de Rhone," says Madame de Sevigné, "si fier, si orgueilleux, si turbulent; il faut le marier avec la Durance quand elle est en furie; ah le bon ménage!"

Un homme etant sur le point de marier sa fille unique, se brouille avec le pretendant, et dans sa colere il dit, "Non, monsieur, vous ne serez jamais mon gendre, et quand j'aurois cent filles uniques, je ne vous en donnerois pas une." On avoit recu a la grande poste une lettre avec cette adresse, a Monsieur mon fils, Rue, &c.

Therefore, if a jeune fille is for three or four years tied with a very short rope and compelled to browse exclusively upon the meagre herbage which sprouts in the maternal shadow, she has at least the comfort of reflecting that according to the native phrase, on s'occupe de la marier that measures are being carefully taken to promote her to a condition of unbounded liberty.

The words of a song, sung carelessly in a clear, girlish voice, came to us from beyond. "Je voudrais bien me marier, Je voudrais bien me marier, Mais j'ai qrand' peur de me tromper: Mais j'ai grand' peur de me tromper: Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lurette, Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lure." "We have come at the very zenith of opportunity," I whispered. "Hush!" he said.