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She herself has described it: "Toujours extreme en mes desirs, Jadis, enfant joyeuse et folle, Souvent une seule parole Bouleversait tous mes plaisirs." But what a fine instrument she possesses! what strength of soul! what wealth of imagination! December 3, 1872. What a strange dream!

In the intense heat, when through the drawn blinds fruit-sellers could be heard in the street, crying their mirabelles and Queen Claudes, the workgirls slept heavily, their heads on the table. Or perhaps Malvina would go and ask Mademoiselle Le Mire for a copy of the 'Journal pour Tous, and read aloud to the others. But little Chebe did not care for the novels.

My hair had been shaved off, all over my ears, leaving only a little above the back of the neck, to give an appearance of far-reaching baldness, and on my head was painted, in ah! so brilliant letters of distinctness: Theatre Folie-Rouge Revue de Printemps Tous les Soirs Such was the necessity to which I was at that time reduced!

Lydgate was haughty; but il y en a pour tous les gouts, as little Mamselle used to say, and if any girl can choose the particular sort of conceit she would like, I should think it is you, Rosy." "Haughtiness is not conceit; I call Fred conceited." "I wish no one said any worse of him. He should be more careful. Mrs. Waule has been telling uncle that Fred is very unsteady."

Autre crime, le Citoyen Duplessis, qui etoit premier commis des finances, sous Clugny, avoit conserve, comme c'etoit l'usage, la cachet du controle general d'alors un vieux porte-feuille de commis, qui etoit au rebut, ouble au dessus d'une armoire, dans un tas de poussiere, et auquel il n'avoit pas touche ne meme pense depuis dix ans peutetre, et sur le quel on parvint a decouvrir l'empreinte de quelques fleurs de lys, sous deux doigts de crasse, acheva de completer la preuve que le Citoyen Duplessis etoit suspect et la voila, lui, enferme jusqu'a la paix, et le scelle mis sur toutes les portes de cette campagne, ou, tu te souviens, mon cher Freroa que, decretes tous deux de prise de corps, apres le massacre du Champ de Mars, nous trouvions un asyle que le tyran n'osoit violer."

This was about a hundred yards; and then, after halting them for a moment, the Emperor cried, 'Allez, mes enfants! nous ne sommes pas tous perdus! sending the fourth bataillon close upon their heels.

Pepys lets us amusingly behind the scenes in the matter of his Majesty's divertisement. Dryden does not seem to see that in the condemnation of something meant to amuse the public there can be no question of degree. To fail at all is to fail utterly. "Tous les genres sont permis, hors le genre ennuyeux."

"You will have to take this," said the Princess, giving me a letter so that she wouldn't touch my hand, "and be sure they don't catch you with the letter. Be careful, don't drink, Alexei. It's bad to drink; when you come back we'll give you 500 rubles." "Je le tolère pas," she said to the Prince, "il a l'air si commun! Il nous vendrait tous, s'il etait assez intelligent!"

Indeed, Monsieur D'A , your literature is at a very reduced ebb; bombastic in the drama shallow in philosophy mawkish in poetry, your writers of the present day seem to think, with Boileau "'Souvent de tous nos maux la raison est le pire." "Surely," cried Madame D'Anville, "you will allow De la Martine's poetry to be beautiful?"

He anchored, lowered a boat, and rowed into the port, round the rocky point at the southeast, then, from the fury of its winds and currents, called La Pointe de Tous les Diables. There was life enough within, and more than he cared to find. In the still anchorage under the cliffs lay Pontgrave's vessel, and at her side another ship, which proved to be a Basque furtrader.