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Just as psychology is an effect of physiology, so the moral phenomena are effects of the economic facts. Such books are only intended, more or less consciously, to divert attention from the vital point of the question, which is that formulated by Karl Marx. See on our side, DE GREEF, l'Empirieme, l'utopié et le socialisme scientifique, Revue Socialiste, Aug., 1886, p. 688.

Neo-Malthusianisme et Socialisme, p. 22. Eugenics has been defined as "the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations, either mentally or physically." While there is no inherent conflict between Socialism and Eugenics, the latter is, broadly, the antithesis of the former.

"What!" said they, "here is the pontiff of democracy." All the champions of reform had copied him; and they procured the Examen du Socialisme, by Morant. The first chapter explained the doctrine of Saint-Simon. At the top the Father, at the same time Pope and Emperor. Abolition of inheritance; all property movable and immovable forming a social fund, which should be worked on a hierarchical basis.

A more important work on Socialism is that of Dr. Guepin, of Nantes, Philosophie du Socialisme; and M. Lecouturier announces a Science du Socialisme. MR. G.P.R. JAMES has taken a cottage at Jamaica, Long Island, and is domiciliated as an American we hope for a long time.

II. of his Opere filosofiche, Padua, 1897. My master, Pietro Ellero, has given in La Tirrandie borghese, an eloquent description of this social and political pathology as it appears in Italy. RICHTER, mène le socialisme, Paris, 1892.

This argument, also, that the unskilled have a better strategic position than the skilled on account of their solidarity and unity is surely a doubtful one. Bernard Shaw's series in the New Age . Karl Kautsky, the New York Call, Nov. 14, 1909. Karl Kautsky, "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," pp. 124, 125, 138. Émile Vandervelde, "Le Socialisme Agraire," p. 236.

Without injustice to this group of intellectuals, I think it may be truthfully said that they have contributed nothing essential to the doctrines of syndicalism as developed by the trades unionists themselves; and Edward Berth, in Les Nouveaux Aspects du Socialisme, has partially explained why, without meaning to do so.

B. MALON, Le Socialisme Integral, 2 vol., Paris, 1892. ZULIANI, Il privilegio della salute, Milan, 1893. LETOURNEAU, Passé, présent et avenir du travail, in Revue mensuelle de l'école d'anthropologie, Paris, June 15, 1894. "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp," is the way Robert Browning expresses this in "Andrea Del Sarto." Translator. Tr.

Ce globe deplume, sans barbe et sans cheveux Comme un grand potiron roulera dans les cieux M. Britling nous ramene donc de cent ans en arriéré, au mauvais socialisme primitif de l'époque romantique. Il ressuscite de poussiéreuses momies. By denying the possibility of realizing the dream of a world-State or a collective European State, the Frenchman speaks for his country.

I must recognize that one of the recent historians of socialism, M. l'Abbé Winterer more candid and honorable than more than one jesuitical journalist distinguishes always, in each country, the socialist movement from the anarchist movement. WINTERER, le Socialisme contemporain, Paris, 1894, 2nd edition.