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La' du plaisant Avril la saison imortelle Sans eschange le suit, La terre sans labeur, de sa grasse mamelle, Tout chose y produit; D'enbas la troupe sainte autrefois amoureuse, Nous honorant sur tous, Viendra nous saluer, s'estimant bien-heureuse De s'accointer de nous.

I can allow no sinister influence to stand between her fate and honour." "You speak well and nobly, M. le Vicomte," said Rameau, "and I give the promise you exact." He added, feelingly: "It is true her heart has never been corrupted that is good, affectionate, unselfish as a child's. J'ai l'honneur de vous saluer, M. le Vicomte."

Le lendemain de notre arrivée, un gentilhomme de Bavière vint saluer mondit seigneur de Valse. Messire Jacques Trousset, averti de sa venue, annonça qu'il alloit le faire pendre

I can allow no sinister influence to stand between her fate and honour." "You speak well and nobly, M. le Vicomte," said Rameau, "and I give the promise you exact." He added, feelingly: "It is true her heart has never been corrupted that is good, affectionate, unselfish as a child's. J'ai l'honneur de vous saluer, M. le Vicomte."

"I know very well you think I shall be so silly, and perhaps wrong; eh, is it not so? but you are quite mistaken. You'll be surprised at my cold and dignified manner. I shall draw myself proudly up, thus, and curtsying deeply, say, 'Monsieur, j'ai l'honneur de vous saluer."

Je me rappelle que, lorsque je le presentai au Ministre du Commerce, il fit cette spirituelle repartie: 'C'est la seconde fois que je viens en France sous la Republique. La premiere fois, c'etait en 1848, elle s'etait coiffee de travers: je suis bien heureux de saluer aujourd'hui votre excellence, quand elle a mis son chapeau droit. Une fois je le menai voir couronner la Rosiere de Nanterre.

Marie who was standing near the door, and said in a tone audible only to her and myself: "I congratulate you, Mademoiselle, on your admirable talent for intrigue. I trust, when you look in the usual place and find the promised letter, it will prove agreeable reading. J'ai l'honneur, Mademoiselle, de vous saluer."

"Plus fin que Pachmann!" he reiterated, waving his arms wildly, and dancing. "Tu auras une migraine affreuse. Rentrons, petit coeur!" said George Sand, gently but firmly. "Laisse-moi le saluer," cried the composer, struggling in her grasp. "Demain soir, oui. Il sera parmi nous," said the novelist, as she hurried him away.

"Faut saluer le Général, Jan," I said, while he was still some distance away, but Jan only shrugged his shoulders as much as to say, "I might do it, but on the other hand I might not!" What was I to do? As we drew nearer I again implored Jan to salute. He shrugged his shoulders, so in desperation, just as we came abreast I put my arm behind him and seizing his, brought it up to the salute!

Sur ce l'auteur du systeme a bien l'honneur de le saluer. This is a copy of a pleasant letter we have received from a distinguished Washington lady; we do not print the accentuations, because the Chicago patwor admits of none.