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"Miladi a une migranie affreuse this morning," said Felicie, addressing herself on the stairs to Rose. "Mille amities de sa part to your young lady, Miss Rose, and miladi recommend to her to follow a good example, and to take her breakfast in her bed, and then to take one good sleep till you shall hear midi sonne."

"Non, ton pere a Paris, ne fut point boulanger: Et tu n'es point du sang de Gervais, l'horloger; Ta mere ne fut point la maitresse d'un coche; Caucase dans ses flancs te forma d'une roche; Une tigresse affreuse, en quelque antre ecarte, Te fit, avec son lait, succer sa cruaute."

He got me a tutor, and from that day out, for several years, my recollections are divided, to the exclusion of everything else, between my education and my life with my family. My tutor was called M. Trognon, and his name brought many a jest upon him, amongst others a line of Victor Hugo's in Ruy Bias about that Affreuse compagnonne, Dont la barbe fleurit et dont le nez trognonne.

I found this out a little later, for it got into Richard's room, and I found him, the Russian Consul, and the Vicomte de Perrochel all sitting on the divan with their legs well tucked under them, clutching their sticks, and looking absurdly uncomfortable at the affreuse bete, as the Vicomte called it. I had had a tiring day, and was glad to go to the harim that night and turn into my little room.

"Plus fin que Pachmann!" he reiterated, waving his arms wildly, and dancing. "Tu auras une migraine affreuse. Rentrons, petit coeur!" said George Sand, gently but firmly. "Laisse-moi le saluer," cried the composer, struggling in her grasp. "Demain soir, oui. Il sera parmi nous," said the novelist, as she hurried him away.

"I am sorry I have not Papillon's courage," she said. "Tu m'as donne une affreuse peur je te croyais morte," muttered Fareham, letting his arms drop like lead as she released herself from their support. Denzil and Henriette were close to them. They had come to the open door for fresh air, after the charnel-like chill and closeness of the small underground chamber.

"To which of them would that wretched mythological Paris have given the apple of Eris, if he had had to choose between two such goddesses? And how they walk, arm-in-arm. A true belle alliance! Nay, I express myself badly, I ought to say affreuse alliance! Why, separately they are capable of subjugating the world! Why need they combine their charms?

On s'endort, et tout meurt, mais un affreux reveil Doit succeder peut etre aux douceurs du sommeil! On nous menace, on dit que cette courte vie, De tourmens eternels est aussi-tot suivie. O mort! moment fatal! affreuse eternite! Tout coeur a ton seul nom se glace epouvante.

Riedesel calls it "la ville la plus affreuse de l'Italie, et peut-etre du monde entier"; twenty years later, it is described as "sehr ungesund ... so aermlich als moeglich"; in 1808 it was "reduite a une population de trois mille habitants ronges par la misere, et les maladies qu'occasionne la stagnation des eaux qui autrefois fertilisaient ces belles campagnes."

Our next home was the dirty little village of Strazeele, which we reached by march route, and where we found Lieut. E.G. Langdale who rejoined us, having finished his disembarkation duties. Here we occupied five large farm houses, all very scattered and very smelly, the smelliest being Battalion Headquarters, called by Major Martin "La Ferme de L'Odeur affreuse."