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"As for my cousin herself," he continued, as they went toward the door, "you will find her easy to get on with a clever woman, and a good-looking one. Du reste it is not in that direction that your difficulties will lie. You will find it easy enough to get on with the women of the party, I fancy from what I have observed." And again he seemed to be amused.

Sur ce dernier, il observe que ce lieu, situé au milieu d'une grève des côtes de Normandie, est deux fois par jour, au temps du flux, baigné des eaux de la mer. Mais il ajoute que, le jour de la fête du saint l'accés du rocher et de la chapelle reste libre; que l'Océan y forme, comme fit la Mer rouge, au temps de Moise, deux grands murs, entre lesquels on peut passer

"Au reste, ma fille, une de mes grandes envies, ce serait d'etre devote; je ne suis ni an Dieu, ni an Diable; cet etat m'ennuie, quoiqu' entre nous je le trouve le plus naturel du monde. On n'est point an Diable parce qu'on craint Dieu, et qu' an fond on a un principe de religion; on n'est point a Dieu aussi, parce que sa loi paroit dure, et qu' on n'aime point a se detruire soi-meme."

Moi, je m'en fous, Je reste dans mon trou and I say: "I hear the truth in the mouth of the vagrant minstrel, one who possibly has no trou wherein to lay his head." Et moi aussi, je reste dans mon trou, et mon trou est assez beau pour que j'y reste, car mon trou est Richard Wagner. My trou is the Ring the Sacrosanct Ring. Again I fall to musing.

Et tout le reste est litterature. Des Esseintes had followed him with delight in his most diversified works.

Sit down on a chair in some quiet corner and I will bring them near you. There's devotion for you! Le reste vous regarde." This proposal seemed to Newman extremely felicitous; it revived his drooping spirit, and he reflected that Madame Urbain was not such a goose as she seemed. He promised immediately to overtake her, and the carriage drove away.

I should have thought no one could have been worse provided than myself with news or letter chit-chit, and yet I think my letters are generally longer than yours; brevity, in you, is a fault; do not be guilty of it again: "car du reste," as Madame de Sévigné says, "votre style est parfait." John returned to Cambridge on Thursday night.

Leurs fers tomberent seuls, l'eau cessa d'etre amere, Et deux fois chaque jour le bateau fut couvert D'une manne pareille a celle du desert: C'est ainsi que, pousses par une main celeste, Je les vis aborder. JUNIA. Oh! dis vite le reste! Il offrit cet asile, et des le lendemain Tous deux, pour l'y guider, nous etions en chemin.

"Sacre nom de on reste donc claquemure ainsi toute la matinee! And all for an omelette a puny, good-for-nothing omelette. And you you've lost your tongue, it seems?" And a shrill voice pierced the air as Colinette gave her painter the hint of her prodding elbow. With the appearance of the omelette the reign of good humor would return.

On public grounds it will even be attended with benefit, as it will insure the Yangtze being kept open; for supplies will be sent up to them from Shanghae, and they will have an opportunity of examining the Poyang Lake besides. If any of the vessels were lost or seriously injured, it would be a very different matter. Au reste, Dieu dispose. December 24th. Noon.