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Hochstuhl. Pierre-Charles Gambon. Michot Boutet. Charles Lagrange. Baune. Martin Nadaud. Bertholon. Barthélemy Terrier. Schoelcher. Victor Hugo. De Flotte. Cassal. Joigneaux. Signard. Laboulaye. Viguier. Bruys. Esquiros. Gaston Dussoubs. Madier de Montjau. Guiter. Noël Parfait. Lafon. Emile Péan. Lamarque. Pelletier. Pierre Lafranc. Raspail. Jules Leroux. Théodore Bac. Francisque Maigne. Bancel.

Amby and 'Chita splurged on a cafe parfait and a grape juice rickey. Other dissipated couples at nearby tables were indulgin' in canapes of caviar and frosted sarsaparillas. But shortly after midnight the giddy revellers begun to thin out and the girl waiters got yawny. "How about a round of strawb'ry ice cream sodas; eh, Amby?" I suggests. "No," says he, "I'm no high school girl.

She has retired from polite society altogether." Migwan smiled blandly at her, but made no answer. At home that night, however, she felt very low-spirited indeed. She was only human, after all, and wanted dreadfully to go to the matinee with the girls. Gladys would take them all to Schiller's afterward for a parfait and bring them home in style in her machine.

"Oh, I grant you all that!" returned Ferrari, with some impatience. "He was the most moral man in immoral Naples, if you care for that sort of thing. Studious philosophic parfait gentilhomme proud as the devil, virtuous, unsuspecting, and withal a fool!" My temper rose dangerously but I controlled it, and remembering my part in the drama I had constructed, I broke into violent, harsh laughter.

Serve in parfait glasses, garnish the top with whipped cream, with a strawberry in the centre on top. This will fill eight glasses. Make one quart of Chocolate Ice Cream, and add one pint of whipped cream, according to the preceding recipes. This will serve eight persons. Put half the cream over the fire in a double boiler.

Prince Parfait, who guided them, succeeded in arresting their attention and the chariot drew up at the foot of the grand stairway. King Benin sprang towards Blondine who, jumping lightly from the chariot, threw herself in her father's arms. They remained a long time in this position and everybody wept tears of joy.

'Who else have you here? asked Rudin, after a pause. Darya Mihailovna knocked off the ash of her cigarette with her little finger. 'Oh, there is hardly any one else. Madame Lipin, Alexandra Pavlovna, whom you saw yesterday; she is very sweet but that is all. Her brother is also a capital fellow un parfait honnete homme. The Prince Garin you know. Those are all.

Chocolate Parfait with Lady Fingers or Frozen Neapolitan Charlotte with Marshmallow Wafers? You must exercise your individual choice among these and a hundred others. The more formal luncheon dictates that coffee be served in the drawing room. Here the waitress passes the after-dinner coffee which the hostess pours.

Are they little commercial play, are they music, are they 'la belle conversation', or are they all three? 'Y file-t-on le parfait amour? Y debite-t-on les beaux sentimens? Ou est-ce yu'on y parle Epigramme? And pray which is your department? 'Tutis depone in auribus'. Whichever it is, endeavor to shine and excel in it.

Angela found it when she got back to her hotel, and meant to read it at once, as a letter from so important a man deserved. But Nick's package was in her hand, and she was tempted to untie the gold string. Inside was a fancy bottle of perfume, bound round with quantities of narrow rose-coloured ribbon. "Parfait d'Amour. Made of California Flowers," announced the blossomy label.