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We formerly said, "of this side," "of that side," etc.; but the idiomatic sense of of is so entirely lost, that Mr. The French use of de, and the Italian of di, is parallel. The Italians have also their avanti and davante, and no one forgets Dante's "Di qu

Je l'ai aussi prié de dire au Ministre Anglais que je pensais que ce n'était qu'

It is this earnestness, in the supernatural order, which is the eloquence of saints; and not of saints only, but of all Christian preachers, according to the measure of their faith and love. As the case would be with one who has actually seen what he relates, the herald of tidings of the invisible world also will be, from the nature of the case, whether vehement or calm, sad or exulting, always simple, grave, emphatic, and peremptory; and all this, not because he has proposed to himself to be so, but because certain intellectual convictions involve certain external manifestations. St. Francis de Sales is full and clear upon this point. It is necessary, he says, “ut ipsemet penitus hauseris, ut persuasissimam tibi habeas, doctrinam quam aliis persuasam cupis. Artificium summum erit, nullum habere artificium. Inflammata sint verba, non clamoribus gesticulationibusve immodicis, sed interiore affectione. De corde plus qu

That Attila should treat the kings who are dependent on him like good-for-nothing fellows: Ils ne sont pas venus, nos deux rois; qu'on leur die Qu'ils se font trop attendre, et qu' Attila s'ennuie Qu'alors que je les mande ils doivent se hater: may in one view appear very serious and true; but nevertheless it appears exceedingly droll to us from the turn of expression, and especially from its being the opening of the piece.

He first adopted fifteen for the dividing sounds, but settled on twelve primary, the G and K being one, and sounding more like K than G, and D like T. These may be represented in English as G, H, L, M, N, QU, T, DL or TL, TS, W, Y, Z.

"Qu' y a-t-il?" said I, standing up by the driver "What's the matter?" "The emperor is coming," said he. "Well," said I, "draw to one side, and turn a little, so that we can see." He did so, and H. and I both stood up, looking round. We saw several outriders in livery, on the full trot, followed by several carriages. They came very fast, the outriders calling to the people to get out of the way.

J'y trouvai Cénamin-Bay, capitaine (commandant) de ce vaste pays frontière, qui s'étend depuis la Valaquie jusqu'en Esclavonie. Il passe dans la ville une partie de l'année. On m'a dit qu'il étoit Grec, qu'il ne boit point de vin, comme les autres Turcs, et que c'est un homme sage et vaillant, qui s'est fait craindre et obéir. Le Turc lui a confié le commandement de cette contrée, et il en possède en seigneurie la plus grande partie. Il ne laisse passer la rivière qu'

Reddenda est, qu

"Myrmdons, race feconde Myrmidons, Enfin nous commandons: Jupiter livre le monde Aux Myrmidons, aux Myrmidons. Voyant qu' Achille succombe, Ses Myrmidons, hors des rangs, Disent: Dansons sur sa tombe Ses petits vont etre grands."

"Le soussigné ose donc espérer, qu'