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"This is slow," cried Cibber; "let us show these young people how ladies and gentlemen moved fifty years ago, dansons." A fiddler was caught, a beautiful slow minuet played, and a bit of "solemn dancing" done. Certainly it was not gay, but it must be owned it was beautiful; it was the dance of kings, the poetry of the courtly saloon. The retired actress, however, had frisker notions left in her.

And the fierce voices sang: "'Dansons la Carmagnole! Dansons la Carmagnole! Ça ira! Ça ira! Tous les cochons

The next day, February 17, 1881, about ten in the evening, I arrived at the opera, and went behind the scenes to search for Monsieur Morin. "The Prophet" was being played, and the third act had just begun. On the stage the Anabaptists were singing forcibly: "Du sang! que Judas succombe! Du sang! Dansons sur leur tombe! Du sang! Voila l'hécatombe Que Dieu nous demande encor!"

He had often employed a bizarre form a stanza of three lines whose middle verse was unrhymed, and a tiercet with but one rhyme, followed by a single line, an echoing refrain like "Dansons la Gigue" in Streets. He had employed other rhymes whose dim echoes are repeated in remote stanzas, like faint reverberations of a bell.

One of the most obnoxious persons in Paris was the archbishop. The mob fought to the music of "Ça ira." with new words: "C'est l'Archevêque de Paris Qui est Jésuite comme Charles Dix. Dansons la Carmagnole; dansons la Carmagnole, Et ça ira!"

"Myrmdons, race feconde Myrmidons, Enfin nous commandons: Jupiter livre le monde Aux Myrmidons, aux Myrmidons. Voyant qu' Achille succombe, Ses Myrmidons, hors des rangs, Disent: Dansons sur sa tombe Ses petits vont etre grands."

On the Pontneuf, at Paris, a sort of puppet-show was exhibited daily, whose boast it was to give a very exact imitation of a guillotinage; and the burthen of a popular song current for some months was "Dansons la Guillotine."

On the Pontneuf, at Paris, a sort of puppet-show was exhibited daily, whose boast it was to give a very exact imitation of a guillotinage; and the burthen of a popular song current for some months was "Dansons la Guillotine."