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"Et toi, mon pauvre Chicot," says she, "est-ce qu'on t'a mis a la retraite? Il parait que tu n'es plus General chez Franco " "CHUT!" says the Baron, putting his finger to his lips. "What are they saying, my dear?" says my wife to Jemimarann, who had a pretty knowledge of the language by this time.

Disraeli says that each of the royal family and each nobleman chose for his favorite song a psalm expressive of his own feeling or sentiments. The Dauphin, as became a brave huntsman, chose "Ainsi qu'on vit le cerf bruyre," "As the hart panteth after the water-brook," and he gayly and noisily sang it when he went to the chase. The Queen chose "Ne vueilles pas, o sire, Me reprendre en ton ire."

Imaginez vous une foret de cocotiers, de bambous, d'ananas, de bagnaniers, au milieu de laquelle passe une assez belle riviere toute couverte de bateaux; mettez dans cette foret une nombre incroyable de maisons faites avec de cannes, de roseaux, des ecorces, et disposez les de telle maniere qu'elles forment tantot des rues, et tantot des quartiers separes: coupez ces divers quartiers de prairies et de bois: repandez par tout dans cette grande foret, autant d'hommes qu'on en voit dans nos villes, lorsqu'elles sont bien peuplees; vous vous formerez une idee assez juste d'Achen; et vous conviendrez qu'une ville de ce gout nouveau peut faire plaisir a des etrangers qui passent.

Perhaps the heaviest trouble which Hester was ever called upon to bear had its mysterious beginnings on that morning of opal and gossamer when the magnolia opened. Il le fit avec des arguments inconsistants et irréfutables, de ces arguments qui fondent devant la raison comme la neige an feu, et qu'on ne peut saisir, des arguments absurdes et triomphants, de curé de campagne qul démontre Dieu.

And she mentioned some other names that I did not remember, and opening a door she cried: "Marie, here's a visitor for you, a gentleman from Alphonsine's. You know, dear, the Englishman, Octave Barres's friend." She gave me her hand, and I held it a long while. "Comme les Anglais sont gentils. Des qu'on est malade "

Le karman possède aussi une côte maritime qu'on nomme les Farsats. Elle se prolonge depuis Tharse jusqu'

" And the same feeling was shared by the Parisians in general, and embodied by M. Imbert, a courtly poet, whose odes were greatly in vogue in the fashionable circles, in an epigram which was set to music and sung in the theatres. "Pour toi, France, un dauphin doit naître, Une Princesse vient pour en être témoin, Sitôt qu'on voit une grâce paraître, Croyez que l'amour n'est pas loin.

Such a wrong is to be healed, not avenged. Fire purifies all. "Mon ame est comme un feu qui devore et parfume Ce qu'on jette pour le ternir." December 27, 1880 In an article I have just read, Biedermann reproaches Strauss with being too negative, and with having broken with Christianity.

It is probable he received those eight hundred dollars for one hundred bushels of wheat, which were never worth more than one hundred silver dollars. He is credited, therefore, the full worth of his wheat. The equivoque is in the use of the word 'dollar. 'Qu'on abolisse les privilèges du clergé. This privilege, originally allowed to the clergy, is now extended to every man, and even to women.

"I wouldn't make you fashionable for the world!" cried Betty, with a mouthful of pins, laying down masterly folds of lace and chiffon the while over the white satin with which Marcella had provided her. "What was it Worth said to me the other day? Ce qu'on porte, Mademoiselle? O pas grand'chose! presque pas de corsage, et pas du tout de manches! No, that kind of thing wouldn't suit you.