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Such a wrong is to be healed, not avenged. Fire purifies all. "Mon ame est comme un feu qui devore et parfume Ce qu'on jette pour le ternir." December 27, 1880 In an article I have just read, Biedermann reproaches Strauss with being too negative, and with having broken with Christianity.

The gas, close over our heads, nigh made our brains bile over, so sez I, "Let's make tracks out of this, Squire. This parfume of humanity is horrid unhandsome." "Let's have a cup of corfy," says he, "to repare exhorsted natur." "A sherry cobbler would be more to the purpose," says I, "but if they hev none of them coolin drinks at art sworricks, here goes for the Moky."

"'Oh, divil a taste, says Larry, 'I'm only shuttin' my eyes, says he, 'to keep out the parfume of the tibacky smoke, that's makin' them wather, says he. "Well, when my father seen spakin' was no use, he went on with his story.

Would you-all mind swingin' me, Jeb?" Jeb got up slowly from his stool and took hold of the upper end strands of the hammock. He pulled it back and forth a few times, while Sary smiled alluringly up at him. Then he cleared his throat and began to speak. "This world was made fur love. Oh, what woul' arth be widdout de flowers of love to parfume our way?" Jeb coughed.

"I won't hear it," said I, "stiver now, make the pie any way you like." "Massa," said he, "eber since poor missus died from eaten hogs wid dere heads on, I feel kinder faint when I sees clams, I hab neber swallowed one since, and neber will. De parfume gits into my stomach, as it did when de General's cook used water instead of milk, in his soup.

"Oh, divil a taste," says Larry; "I'm only shuttin' my eyes," says he, "to keep out the parfume o' the tibacky smoke, that's makin' them wather," says he. 'Well, when my father seen spakin' was no use, he went on with his story.