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"You get so much pleasure out of it?" For answer, Lathrop murmured a few words as though to himself, a sudden lightening in his sleepy eyes L'univers si liquide, si pur! Une belle eau qu'on voudrait boire. "I don't understand French" said Blaydes, with a shrug "not French verse, anyway." "That's a pity," was the dry reply "because you can't read Madame de Noailles.

But when the vehicle was well on its way, and he had behind him the sad Calvary where his honour hung gibbeted, Jansoulet, utterly overcome, laid his head on his mother's shoulder, hid it in the old green shawl, and there, with the burning tears flowing, all his great body shaken by sobs, he returned to the cry of his childhood: "Mother." Que l'heure est donc breve, Qu'on passe en aimant!

All Paris knew his verses in which he did not conceal his ardent love for Ninon, and in which were expressed the highest admiration for her estimable qualities and the depth of her philosophy. He now proceeded to take back everything good he had said about her and made fun of her love, her friendship, and her attainments. He ridiculed her in every possible manner, even charging up against her beauty, her age. A verse or so will enable the reader to understand his methods: "Il ne faut pas qu'on s'étonne, Si souvent elle raisonne De la sublime vertu Dont Platon fut revêtu: Car

"Plus," says he "les mœurs sont dépravés, plus les expressions deviennent mésurées: on croit de gagner en langage ce qu'on a perdu en vertu. La pudeur s'est enfuite des cœurs et s'est refugiée sur les lèvres." There are two kinds of study particularly adapted to preserve the mind and the affections from the assaults of vice and libidinousness.

But there was no symptom, except that of panic, to justify the assertion that he ever intended to include war on the United Kingdom in his policy. There never was a truer statement made by the Emperor than "C'est avec des hochets qu'on mène les hommes"; which is, "Men are led by trifles."

If, according to the scale of Parisian enjoyment, a ball or rout is dull and insipid, a moins qu'on ne manque d'y etre etouffe, how supreme must have been the satisfaction of the company at the Salon des Etrangers! The number present, estimated at seven or eight hundred, occasioned so great a crowd that it was by no means an easy enterprise to pass from one room to another.

Caumissin, qu'on trouve ensuite après avoir traversé une montagne, a de bons murs, qui la rendent assez forte, quoique petite. Elle est sur un ruisseau, en beau et plat pays, fermé par d'autres montagnes

Ce mortel qu'on remarque Tient-il Plus que nous de la Parque Le fil? was in the habit of fixing his eyes on a certain proscenium box wherein were wont to sit certain notabilities in politics and finance. As several of these died during the first run of the work, superstitious people thought the box was bewitched, and no one cared to occupy it.

Sydney Smith. "Quand on doit et qu'on ne paye pas, c'est comme si on ne devait pas." Araene Houssaye. "Of what a hideous progeny is debt the father! What lies, what meanness, what invasions on self-respect, what cares, what double-dealing! How in due season it will carve the frank, open face into wrinkles: how like a knife, it will stab the houeat heart." Douglas Jerrold.

Such speculations, on the contrary, are in a peculiar manner the delight of intelligent children and of half civilised men. The number of boys is not small who, at fourteen, have thought enough on these questions to be fully entitled to the praise which Voltaire gives to Zadig. "Il en savait ce qu'on en a su dans tous les ages; c'est-a-dire, fort peu de chose."