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Then Héloise said that it was a great joy in life to have the absorbing love of flowers as Victorine had! and I could not help laughing, because Victorine doesn't know one from another, and would not even help me this morning. The Marquis looked and looked at me when I laughed, and then lifting his glass of vin ordinaire, he said: "Les belles dents rendent gai." Wasn't it nice of him?

The number, indeed, of political works burnt during the eighth decade of the last century is as remarkable as the number of religious books so treated about the same period: one of the lesser indications of the coming Revolution. During this decade were condemned: Pidanzet's Correspondance secrète familière de Chancelier Maupeon avec Sorhouet for being blasphemous and seditious, and calculated to rouse people against government; a work that made sport of Maupeon and his Parlement. Beaumarchais' Mémoires , of the literary style of which Voltaire himself is said to have been jealous, but which was condemned to the flames for its imputations on the powers that were. Lanjuinais' Monarque Accompli , whose other title explains why it was condemned, as tending to sedition and revolt, Prodiges de bonté, de savoir, et de sagesse, qui font l'éloge de Sa Majesté Impériale Joseph II., et qui rendent cet auguste monarque si précieux

Caumissin, qu'on trouve ensuite après avoir traversé une montagne, a de bons murs, qui la rendent assez forte, quoique petite. Elle est sur un ruisseau, en beau et plat pays, fermé par d'autres montagnes

Even people, "qui ne se rendent pas," have deigned both to run and to shout, "Sauve qui pent" at odd times of sunset; though, for my part, I have no pleasure in recalling unpleasant remembrances to brave men; and yet, really, being so philosophic, they ought not to be unpleasant.

Je serai heureux d'en retrouver l'occasion; car, plus les evenements rendent ma situation grave et difficile, plus ils grandissent ma responsabilite, plus naturellement je tiens a recueillir les avis d'un observateur eclaire, impartial et bienveillant pour la France.

For, though his glory was great, though he was the centre of all men's admiration, courted by nobles, flattered by princesses there is a letter from one of them, a sister of Frederick's, still extant, wherein the trembling votaress ventures to praise the great man's works, which, she says, 'vous rendent si célèbre et immortel' though he had ample leisure for his private activities, though he enjoyed every day the brilliant conversation of the King, though he could often forget for weeks together that he was the paid servant of a jealous despot yet, in spite of all, there was a crumpled rose-leaf amid the silken sheets, and he lay awake o' nights.

Even people "qui ne se rendent pas" have deigned both to run and to shout, "Sauve qui peut!" at odd times of sunset; though, for my part, I have no pleasure in recalling unpleasant remembrances to brave men; and yet, really, being so philosophic, they ought not to be unpleasant.

Marie Antoinette to Leopold, date December 11th, 1790, Arneth, p. 143. The Marshal de Bouillé, who was La Fayette's cousin, says, in October of this year, "L'évêque de Pamiers me fit le tableau de la situation malheureux de ce prince et de la famille royale ... que la rigueur et dureté de La Fayette, devenu leur geôlier, rendent de jour en jour plus insupportable."

In speaking of the different natural agents which, as well as the land, co-operate with the labours of man, he observes, 'Heureusement personne n'a pu dire le vent et le soleil m'appartiennent, et le service qu'ils rendent doit m'etre paye. And, though he acknowledges that, for obvious reasons, property in land is necessary, yet he evidently considers rent as almost exclusively owing to such appropriation, and to external demand.

"La cause fonchere de cette maladie doit etre imputee a une lymphe epaisse et acrimonieuse, qui donne occasion a des tubercules au pomon, qui etant mis on fonte fournissent au sang des particules acres et le rendent tout acrimonieux.