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Le premier volume contiendra une forte partie du fameux livre de Tocqueville sur l'ancien regime et la revolution. Le second sera, si vous le permettez, compose d'extraits de votre excellent livre, 'Francais et Anglais, traduction de M. Labouchere. "Auriez-vous la bonte de me fournir quelques dates sur votre vie et sur vos autres ouvrages, que je pourrais utiliser pour l'introduction?"

Si vous me permettez d'ajouter un seul mot qui vous prouvera que je l'ai lu avec attention, je vous signalerai un lapsus calami qui vous a echappe. Le fondateur de notre branche d'Orleans, fils de Louis XIII, frere de Louis XIV, s'appelait Philippe et non Gaston.

My cheep, the Belle Marie, est un corsaire Francais, un vat you call privateere, et vous etes mes prisonniers. It is ze fortune of war, messieurs; my turn to-night yours to-morrow, perhaps ha, ha! Now, my dear sares, as there not moosh time is, permettez moi," and he flung open the companion-doors, motioning significantly to George and the mate to go below.

The Contessa mounted the stone stairs with the heavy masculine step that was characteristic of her. 'Vous permettez, madame! she said, standing in the doorway 'at this unseasonable hour. Eleanor made her welcome. The portly Contessa seated herself with an involuntary gesture of fatigue. 'What have you been doing? said Eleanor. 'If you have been helping the harvesters, je proteste!

"Permettez," said Monsieur, looking at the card. "Ah, c'est impossible, ma chere," continued he, laughing. "Madame Turnbull se trompait; elle voudrait dire Beignets de pommes." "Vous trouvez notre langue fort difficile, n'est-ce pas?" continued madame, who recovered her good humour, and smiled graciously at Mrs T.

When we took leave she said, 'Permettez moi, ma chere demoiselle, and would have kissed my hand, but I threw my arms round her neck embraced her, for there was something in her face that won my heart more than it had ever gone out to any woman I ever saw; and I saw by Lady Ommaney's whole face and gesture that she thought a great sorrow was coming on the good woman.

"'Mademoiselle, he began, 'I have just learnt but it is an infamy! Permettez I am French, I also, though you do not know me perhaps. "And with that M. Benest stammered and came to a halt, for her eyes were worse than woeful. They were accusing yes, accusing him. Of what? Nom de tonnerre, what had he done? "'You, Monsieur! You an officer of France! "'Mais quel rapport y a-t-il?

"Permettez, votre Excellence," said a hale, jolly-looking personage on his left, as he filled the major's goblet with obsequious politeness. "Bong engfong," replied Monsoon, tapping him familiarly on the head. "Burgomaster, you are a trump; and when I get my promotion, I'll make you prefect in a wine district. Pass the lush, and don't look sleepy!

Which I suppose and guess I scarcely believed until one afternoon a man brought up a harmonica which he had purchased en ville; and the man tried it; and everyone tried it; and it was perhaps the cheapest instrument and the poorest that money can buy, even in the fair country of France; and everyone was disgusted but, about six o'clock in the evening, a voice came from behind the last experimenter; a timid hasty voice: "monsieur, monsieur, permettez?"

"Vous permettez?" asked the baroness, leaning over coquettishly to Monsieur d'Agreste's cigar. She accompanied her action with a charming glance, one in which all the woman in her was uppermost, and one which made Monsieur d'Agreste's pale cheeks flush like a boy's.