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Se dirigeant a terre, deux matelots et le Capitaine Grant vont essayer d'aborder, or 'ont aborde le continent ou ils seront, or, 'sont prisonniers de cruels indigenes. Ils ont jete ce documents, etc. Is that clear?" "Clear enough," replied Glenarvan, "if the word continent can be applied to Australia, which is only an island."

"I mean this," replied Paganel, "that Captain Grant is now a prisoner among the Indians, and I further add that the document states it unmistakably." "Explain yourself, sir," said Mary Grant. "Nothing is plainer, dear Mary. Instead of reading the document seront prisonniers, read sont prisonniers, and the whole thing is clear." "But that is impossible," replied Lord Glenarvan.

'One of our political prisoners an insurgent from Raiatea, said the Resident; and then to the jailer: 'I thought I had ordered him a new pair of trousers. Meanwhile no other convict was to be seen 'Eh bien, said the Resident, 'ou sont vos prisonniers? 'Monsieur le Resident, replied the jailer, saluting with soldierly formality, 'comme c'est jour de fete, je les ai laisse aller a la chasse. They were all upon the mountains hunting goats!

As the boat was drifting fast by, Newton made a spring, and gained the deck of the vessel. "Ah! mon Dieu! les Anglais les Anglais nous sommes prisonniers!" cried out the only man on deck, jumping on his feet, and making a precipitate dive below.

"Si parmy les habitans de la Nouvelle York il se trouve des Catholiques de la fidelite desquels il croye se pouvoir asseurer, il pourra les laisser dans leurs habitations apres leur avoir fait prester serment de fidelite a sa Majeste.... Il pourra aussi garder, s'il le juge a propos, des artisans et autres gens de service necessaires pour la culture des terres ou pour travailler aux fortifications en qualite de prisonniers.... II faut retenir en prison les officiers et les principaux habitans desquels on pourra retirer des rancons.

The concierge of the castle, a genial old woman of gipsy-like appearance takes you down to the fearful dungeon beneath one of the great towers on the eastern side, known as the Tour des Prisonniers. Here you may see the carvings in the stone-work executed by some of the prisoners who had been cast into this black abyss.

As the boat was drifting fast by, Newton made a spring, and gained the deck of the vessel. "Ah! mon Dieu! les Anglois les Anglois nous sommes prisonniers!" cried out the only man on deck, jumping on his feet, and making a precipitate dive below.

"Nos filles dans les monastères, Nos prisonniers dans les cachots. Nos martyrs dont le sang se répand

Buonaparte laissa une armée de million d'hommes en France, outres les officiers prisonniers en Angleterre et en Russie. Le roi ne peut pas en maintenir le quart. Tous ceux non employées sont mécontens. Buonaparte gouvernait directement la moitié de l'Europe, et indirectement presque l'autre moitié. Pour des causes

One day, after we had annoyed him more than usual with our pranks, and stirred up his bile, he gave vent to his feelings "Ah, you betes Anglais," he exclaimed. "You have no sympathe vid des miserables. Vous eat ros beef vous-memes, and vous starve vos prisonniers."