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He glanced up at her with comic shrewdness from where he sat on his hunkers for fine he saw through her and "Ou ay," said he, "ye great muckle fat hotch o' a dacent bodie, ye I'll gang in and have a dish o' tea wi' ye." And away went the fine fuddled fellow. "She's a wise woman that," said the ex-Provost, looking after them. "She kenned no to flyte, and he went like a lamb."

Il eut l'emploi qui certes n'est pas mince, Et qu'a la cour, ou tout se peint en beau, On appelloit etre l'ami du prince; Mais qu'a la ville, et surtout en province, Les gens grossiers ont nomme maquereau.

Ne voulant plus apres notre malheur laisser derriere elle notre derniere fille, la petite Isabelle, et ne pouvant l'emmener en Espagne dans cette rude saison, elle a remis ce voyage a l'automne prochain, et s'est decidee a ne pas quitter le chateau d'Eu, ou l'hiver a ete rude.

Prenant du sel, gardez que le cousteau ne soit gras: quand il le faut nettoyer, ou la fourchette on le peut faire honnestement auec vn peu de pain, ou comme il se pratique en certains lieux, auec la serviette, mais iamais sur le pain entier.

"Ou fine that," said Jess. "Meg talks in her sleep." Before Agnew Greatorix leaped on to his horse, which all this time had stood quiet on his bridle-arm, only occasion ally jerking his head as if to ask his master to come away, he took the kiss he had been denied, and rode away laugh ing, but with one cheek much redder than the other, the mark of Jess's vengeance.

Beal gives, "In this place I have performed the last religious act of my earthly career;" Giles, "This is the last place I shall visit;" Remusat, "C'est un lieu ou je reviendrai bien longtemps apres ceci." Perhaps the "walk" to which Buddha referred had been for meditation. See the account of this legend in the note in M. B., pp. 235, 236, different, but not less absurd.

"I'm no just very popular the way it is," returned Ebenezer; "and I dinnae see how it would come to be kennt. No by me, onyway; nor yet by you or your friends. So that's idle talk, my buckie," says he. "Then it'll have to be David that tells it," said Alan. "How that?" says my uncle, sharply. "Ou, just this, way" says Alan.

"Ay, ma'am, a great robbery of money and jewelry, and no clue yet to the vilyuns as did it! But won't you drink your tea, ma'am?" "Na, na, I dinna need it now. Ou! this is awfu'! Wae worth the day!" exclaimed the horror-stricken girl, shivering from head to foot as with an ague. "Indeed, I am very sorry I told you anything about it, ma'am. But I thought it would interest you.

Cette fierte neanmoins n'excluait pas en lui une rare modestie; partout il se soustrait a l'eloge; se derobe au panegyrique; jamais il ne parle de ses exploits, et jamais il ne souffre qu'un autre lui en parle en sa presence. Son caractere egale en grandeur et surpasse en verite celui de tout autre heros ancien ou moderne.

Hippolyte thinks we are awfully greedy; he was heard yesterday grumbling to the Baronne's maid, "Mais diable est-ce que ces dames mettent tout ce qu'elles mangent? Elles goblottent toute la journée!" After dinner we drank our coffee on the terrace and listened to the band.