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fr. s. Merlan frit Maquereau a la maitre d'hotel Saumon frais, sauce aux capres 2 10 Raie, sauce aux capres ou au beurre noir 1 10 Turbot, sauce aux capres 2 10 Cabillaud Morue fraiche au beurre fondu Morue d'Hol. a la maitre-d'hotel ou a la Provencale 1 10 Sole frite Sole sur le plat 5 0 Eperlans frits Barbue Turbotin Matelote de carpe et d'anguille 2 0 Troncon d'anguille a la tartare 1 10 Carpe frite, la moitie 2 0 Perche du Rhin a la Vallesfiche Goujons frits 1 5 Truite au bleu Laitance de carpe Moules a la poulette 1 5 Homard 3 0 Esturgeon 2 10

She loves her husband so much, and is always seeking to betray him. Or she is a Madame Bovary, seeking for a scandal. But the bourgeois husband, he goes on being the same. He is the horse, and she the driver. And when she says gee-up, you know then he comes ready, like a hired maquereau. Only he feels so good, like a good little boy at her breast. And then there are the nice little children.

The maquereau spirit of Montmartre, with its dollar lust and its poisoned blood, has not yet the throat of this German night city full in its fists; but the fists are tightening slowly and the voice behind them speaks not French, but the jargon of Broadway.

It is pleasant also to think of him among the five and twenty Amis du Vendredi dining together at little wineshops on mutton and cheese and wine with an occasional pâté given as a treat by some member in funds for the moment. He was not above enthusiasm for "un certain pâté de maquereau de Calais" and he was fond of the theater and of all shows where animals were to be seen.

"It's possible this Jim was the maquereau and she made him marry her for the sake of the child. Doubt if the date can be proved except through the lawyers, and it will be hard to make them talk. Of course if there is a Holbrook Centre and she was married there but I have my doubts. The point is that he evidently married her if she is settlin' up his estate.

"'Gene Bisbee. But I never went to that bunch yet for any information, and I don't go this time except as a last resort. Of course he knows, and that is one reason I believe she is Mrs. Lawton. He was Gabrielle's maquereau for years when he'd wrung enough out of her he set up for himself Well, I ain't through yet, by a long sight. Beliefs ain't proof."

But the life of the Bohemian, wherever it may be, has one advantage that no other life possesses. It is a series of contrasts. With his last sovereign, he may have supper at the Savoy, rubbing shoulders with the best and with the worst; the next night, he may be dining off a maquereau grille in a Greek Street restaurant, jogging elbows with the worst and with the best.

Il eut l'emploi qui certes n'est pas mince, Et qu'a la cour, ou tout se peint en beau, On appelloit etre l'ami du prince; Mais qu'a la ville, et surtout en province, Les gens grossiers ont nomme maquereau.