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He recalled having stood for hours, it might have been days, he could not remember for then Time was forever and its passing of no moment before the deep ovens with a tiny blue-eyed slip of a girl. P'tite Truite, Little Trout, they called her, the great-uncle baker's one grandchild.

J'ai fait ici, il y a trois semaines, de fort belles peches a la truite, qui m'ont fait regretter que Mademoiselle Reeve ne fut pas ici. Vous trouverez chez nous le Duc d'Audiffret Pasquier, que vous avez deja vu ici, je crois, il y a deux ans; et un general americain, qui a servi avec moi sous M'Clellan, M. de Trobriand.

The most noticeable is M.G. Albert Petit's La Truite de rivière , an admirable book on fly-fishing. As yet, however, though there are many enthusiastic anglers in France, the sport has not established itself so firmly as to have inspired much literature of its own; the same may be said of Germany. Modern Conditions.

"I suppose she has nothing else to live for! I wonder what the devil she'll eat next!" She ate a delicate truite bleu, but she did not touch her wine again the while. She had almost finished the fish before Paul's sole au vin blanc arrived upon the scene, and this angered him the more. Why should he wait for his dinner while this woman feasted? Why, indeed. What would her next course be?

Croix reached the spot she took his head on her lap. "Jean mon Jean," she cried again. The eyes, dimmed already, opened; he made a supreme effort to speak "Margot p'tite Truite "...