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"Then I'll forgive ye!" he retorted, and his strong face lost all its anger and found the wraith of a smile. "Dinnae be too hard on the lassie! She's ane of the right sort." He returned my salute, bowed courteously to Margaret, and strode on "Good lad!" said Margaret, happily mimicking her father. "You shall have some of the olives in a minute or two."

For as poor as I appear, I have friends of my own that will be blithe to help me." "Hoot-toot!" said Uncle Ebenezer, "dinnae fly up in the snuff at me. We'll agree fine yet. And, Davie, my man, if you're done with that bit parritch, I could just take a sup of it myself.

Na, he didnae ken where the maister was. Sure's daith he didnae ken. Aye, he left Redbraes mebbes twa hour sin', in the darkening. No amount of hectoring, no quantity of loudly shouted oaths could move the grieve from his tale. "A wuss a did ken whaur he is," he said, "but a dinnae ken."

There's nae soberer man than me in my ordnar; but when I hear the wind blaw in my lug, it's my belief that I gang gyte. 'You are a religious man, I replied, 'and this is sin'. 'Ou, he returned, 'if it wasnae sin, I dinnae ken that I would care for't. Ye see, man, it's defiance.

"I dinnae follow ye there," said my uncle. "No?" said Alan. "Well, see here: you dinnae want the lad back; well, what do ye want done with him, and how much will ye pay?" My uncle made no answer, but shifted uneasily on his seat. "Come, sir," cried Alan. "I would have you to ken that I am a gentleman; I bear a king's name; I am nae rider to kick my shanks at your hall door.

'Thus far shalt thou go, said I, 'and no farther. And then I quoted as solemnly as I was able a verse that I had often before fitted to the chorus of the breakers: But yet the Lord that is on high, Is more of might by far, Than noise of many waters is, As great sea billows are. 'Ay, said my kinsinan, 'at the hinder end, the Lord will triumph; I dinnae misdoobt that.

If folk dinnae ken what ye're doing, Davie, they're terrible taken up with it; but if they think they ken, they care nae mair for it than what I do for pease porridge."

If folk dinnae ken what ye're doing, Davie, they're terrible taken up with it; but if they think they ken, they care nae mair for it than what I do for pease porridge."

"Weel," said my uncle, "I dinnae care what he said, he leed, and the solemn God's truth is this, that I gave him twenty pound. But I'll be perfec'ly honest with ye: forby that, he was to have the selling of the lad in Caroliny, whilk would be as muckle mair, but no from my pocket, ye see." "Thank you, Mr. Thomson.

Now the Gregara have had grand practice." "No doubt that's a branch of education that was left out with me," said I. "And I can see the marks of it upon ye constantly," said Alan. "But that's the strange thing about you folk of the college learning: ye're ignorat, and ye cannae see 't. Wae's me for my Greek and Hebrew; but, man, I ken that I dinnae ken them there's the differ of it.