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"You are making a jolly guard of it," said Paco. "Wine seems as common as ditch-water amongst you. Who pays the shot?" "I!" cried the sergeant, clapping his hand on his pocket, which gave forth a sound most harmoniously metallic. "I have inherited, friend Paco; and, if you like to sit down with us, you shall drink yourself blind without its costing on an ochavo."

After the visit to the Treasury came the exhibition of the Ochavo, the octagonal chapel of dark marbles, that pantheon of relics where the most repulsive human remains skulls with their ghastly grin, mummified arms and worn-eaten vertebras were shown in gold or silver shrines.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Pero qué sabe usted? DON PEDRO. Mil cosas ... en primer lugar que tu D. Eduardo no tiene un ochavo. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y ése es acaso gran defecto?

Era un cartapacio como de cien hojas, de ochavo de pliego, de letra menuda. Víle á ratos, y habia en él cosas curiosas, y otras que tocaban á sigillos astrológicos, y otras que claramente eran de cercos y invocaciones, aunque á la verdad todo ello me parecia que aun en aquella arte era burlería.

"These are the dearest, they cost two pesetas each. With these you can see everything that is most important the treasury, the chapel of the Virgin, and the Ochavo with its relics which are unique in the world. The other cathedrals are dirt compared with ours, and their relics lies, many of them invented on account of the envy that our Holy Metropolitan Church inspired. You see these red ones?

MARQUESA. No, no, mejor será que veamos ese corte. VECINA. Aquí está ... ¡cosa superior! y por un pedazo de pan ... ochocientos reales ... ni un ochavo menos. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Qué bonito! MARQUESA. ¡Precioso! DOÑA MATILDE. Y qué punto tan igual. MARQUESA. ¿Y la cenefa?... también es de mucho gusto. DOÑA MATILDE. Y de las más anchas ... sobresaldrá mucho sobre un viso caña ... ¿no te parece?