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Jarrott looked at him for a minute in surprise. "So much the better tanto mejor," he said, after a brief pause, and passed on. He was again thinking how easy it had been, as he stood, more than three years later, on the bluffs of Rosario, watching the sacks of wheat glide down the long chute full seventy feet into the hold of the Walmer Castle.

She lay quiet, looking at the fire, her mind still uncertain in its action, weaving sharp, dynamic images about this new personality. While his appearance gripped and awed her strangely, at the same time she felt drawn to him. She turned and threw out her hand. Her host closed his book and looked up, smiling. "Ah, la señora se siente mejor?"

BRUNO. Oiga usted, no necesita uno humedecerse mucho la boca para decir "no quiero". DON EDUARDO. ¡Y bien, tanto mejor! BRUNO. Si es a gusto de usted.... DON EDUARDO. Porque es bien claro que lo que más importa a un desgraciado es llegar a serlo tanto, que ya no pueda serlo más. BRUNO. ¿Eso llama usted claro?

Certifico a vuestras altezas que en el mundo creo que no hay mejor gente ni mejor tierra: ellos aman a sus projimos como a si mismo. These people also brought off the men from the wrecked ship, as well as all it contained, transporting everything in barques which they called canoes.

One of these was very useful in making the mutinous take their medicine; another was liked apparently because he was so likable. At a certain cot the chief surgeon stopped and said, "We did not expect this boy to live through the night." He took the boy's wrist between his thumb and finger, and asked tenderly as he leaned over him, "Poco mejor?"

Nuestra educación tradicional era enteramente contraria al sistema popular de gobierno y hemos adoptado éste por considerarlo mejor que el otro, más adecuado a nuestros intereses y a los ideales del siglo, sin preguntarnos si estábamos preparados y educados suficientemente para ello.

Mds. y pena de mi culpa, siendo como son los hombres fáciles á creer lo peor, en lo cual mi órden y mis deudos, y lo que es principal, la opinion de mi y doctrina recibiria notable agravio y detrimento; por tanto en la mejor manera y conforme á derecho haya lugar, pido y suplico á Vs.

En la cumbre del secundo cerrito se fundó el quinto pueblo llamado Xipaolabi, que tendrá solo 14 familias: está casi arruinado, porque sus vecinos se han trasladado al brazo austral de la mesa y formaron el sexto pueblo llamado: Xongopabi Xongopabi goza mejor situacion que todos los demas, tienen tres quarteles mui bien dispuestos y en ellas unas 60 familias.

Dolores cried very much, and it was long before she would sing for me again. Oh, she did know such delightful songs! Mi Niña, and Yo tengo Ojos Negros, and "'No quiero, no quiero casarme; Es mejor, es mejor soltera!" And the delightful little fellow merrily piped the whole of that "song of pleasant glee," one of the most melodious and sauciest bits of lyric coquetry to be found in Spanish.

One of the most charming of Yradier's Andalusian songs, addressed by a contrabandista to his novia, runs thus: Pero tengo unas patillas. Que patillas puñála! Es lo mejor que se ha jecho En de Jesu Cristo acá! "But I have such a stunning pair of whiskers! The best that have ever been seen since those of Jesus Christ!" And no one is offended; in fact, no irreverence is probably meant.