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"Cette definition, que nous traduisons litteralement, n'est pas lumineuse; elle conviendrait egalement a la maniere dont Alexandre parle et agit dans Plutarque, et a celle dont Sancho parle et agit dans Cervantes. II y a apparence que l'humour est comme l'esprit, et que ceux qui en ont le plus ne savent pas trop bien ce que c'est.

While I was glancing at the Times newspaper in a morning train for London my eyes fell on the following item: A STRANGE LIGHT ON MARS. On Monday afternoon, Dr. Krueger, who is in charge of the central bureau at Kiel, telegraphed to his correspondents: "Projection lumineuse dans région australe du terminateur de Mars observée par Javelle 28 courant, 16 heures. Perrotin."

It was, moreover, a visible sign that Madame was a woman, très occupée, and a self-styled agent de police; it rested always silent at her side as a protector of innocence. Rust becomes uneasy when that case is mentioned, but Madame bubbles over at the thoughts of her petite chère portefeuille, cette idée de génie. She brags of her genius, of her notion si lumineuse, of her guet-apens si adorable.

He remembered such a person called, but could not describe his looks any further than to say that he was not a small man. I did not press the matter. "Vous regardez une etoile pour deux motifs, parce qu'elle est lumineuse et parce qu'elle est impenetrable. Vous avez aupres de vous un plus doux rayonnement et un pas grand mystere, la femme." Les Miserables.

The poet Scarron speaks of her as "toute lumineuse, toute precieuse." The circle she met in the salon of her godmother, the Duchesse d'Aiguillon, had no less influence in determining her future fortunes. With her rare reputation for beauty and esprit, as well as learning, she took her place early in this brilliant and distinguished society in which she was to play so graceful and honored a part.