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Off to the southeast, just at the edge of the Mare Australe, was a valley the first irregularity I'd seen on Mars except the cliffs that bounded Xanthus and Thyle II. We flew over the valley " Jarvis paused suddenly and shuddered; Leroy, whose color had begun to return, seemed to pale. The chemist resumed, "Well, the valley looked all right then!

Then on the equator, in north latitudeand west longitude 25°, appeared the Sea of Tranquillity, Mare Tranquillitatis, occupying 121,509 square leagues of surface; this sea communicated on the south with the Sea of Nectar, Mare Nectaris, an extent of 28,800 square leagues, in south latitude 15° and west longitude 35°, and on the east with the Sea of Fecundity, Mare Fecunditatis, the vastest in this hemisphere, occupying 219,300 square leagues, in south latitudeand west longitude 50°. Lastly, quite to the north and quite to the south lie two more seas, the Sea of Humboldt, Mare Humboldtianum, with a surface of 6,500 square leagues, and the Southern Sea, Mare Australe, with a surface of 26,000.

Its rampart, some 7000 feet above the floor, is broken by depressions on the W.; and on the S. is bounded by a smaller ring-plain with still loftier walls. Schmidt shows a large crater and three smaller ones on the W. side of the floor. MARINUS. A ring-plain on the N.E. side of the Mare Australe, between Furnerius and the limb.

"Memorial for the establishment of a Christian mission in the third part of the world, or 'Terre Australe. Dedicated to His Holiness Pope Alexander VII., by a priest originating from that country." De Gonneville married him to one of his relatives, and the priest in question was the grandson of the "Australian," whose native name was "Essomeric."

As our chart demonstrates, in its general topography Mars does not present any analogy with the earth. A third of its surface is occupied by the great Mare Australe, which is strewn with many islands, and the continents are cut up by gulfs, and ramifications of various forms.

Thyle II spread out like an orange carpet, and after a while we came to the grey branch of the Mare Chronium that bounded it. That was narrow; we crossed it in half an hour, and there was Thyle I same orange-hued desert as its mate. We veered south, toward the Mare Australe, and followed the edge of the desert. And toward sunset we spotted it." "Shpotted?" echoed Putz. "Vot vas shpotted?"

"BALRAT, AUSTRALE. You felers is in danger and i wont to tel you of it, but i mustnt be seen round or i shal be spected and then no confidince will be plac in me, the felers round think you is agin um in the mining tack, but i say no, take care of your store to night, or you wil see the devil. no more now.

Often it happens that such a dark line opening out upon the sea is enlarged into the form of a trumpet, forming a huge bay, similar to the estuaries of certain terrestrial streams. The Margaritifer Sinus, the Aonius Sinus, the Aurorae Sinus, and the two horns of the Sabæus Sinus are thus formed, at the mouths of one or more canals, opening into the Mare Erythraeum or into the Mare Australe.

The results of this undertaking were most successful, and were given in his Coelum australe stelligerum, etc., published in 1763.

While I was glancing at the Times newspaper in a morning train for London my eyes fell on the following item: A STRANGE LIGHT ON MARS. On Monday afternoon, Dr. Krueger, who is in charge of the central bureau at Kiel, telegraphed to his correspondents: "Projection lumineuse dans région australe du terminateur de Mars observée par Javelle 28 courant, 16 heures. Perrotin."