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[Footnote 36: “Ich denke nicht, dass es Sie gereuen wird, den Mann näher kennen zu lernenspoken of Demokritus inDie Abderiten;” see Merkur, 1774, I, p.

It divorces knowing and doing, Kennen and Koennen, a separation which the Greeks could not conceive because for them knowledge ended in skill or was exemplified in precepts and proverbs that were so clear cut that the pain of violating them was poignant. Ideas must be long worked over till life speaks as with the rifle and not with the shotgun, and still less with the water hose.

And he was, incidentally, an omnivorous reader, for, as he naïvely said: Viele Bücher muss ich kennen, Denn die Menschen kenn' ich gern. As to his originality, another confession is significant: Ja, es gibt nur wenig Leute, Deren Schüler ich nicht bin.

As if nature itself, excluding the conscious doings of that portion of nature which is the human race, and excluding also nature's own share in the making of poor Man, did not abound in raking cruelties and horrors of her own. "Edel sei der Mensch," sang Goethe in a noble psalm, "Hulfreich und gut, Denn das allein unterscheidet ihn, Von allen Wesen die wir kennen."

Language in general, following its true logical instinct, distinguishes between these two applications of the notion of knowledge, the one being yvwvai, noscere, kennen, connaitre, the other being eidevai, scire, wissen, savoir.

Knowledge reaches the mind in two forms, for which there are in most languages, though not in modern English, two distinct expressions, connaitre and savoir, kennen and wissen.

"If Monkey-wrench screws down hard on me, you'll come to the rescue, won't you, Colonel?" "No I'll side with Mac on that subject. Whatever he says, goes!" "Humph! that Jesuit's all right." Not a word out of the Colonel. Tag' mal wer bist du? Ich kenne dich nicht. Luka. Kennst du denn sonst alle Leute? Medwjedew. In meinem Revier muß ich jeden kennen und dich kenn'ich nicht.... Luka.