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Many Yembawys are settled at Suez and Cosseir, and some at Cairo and Kenne in Upper Egypt, from whence they trade with their native place. Others trade with the Bedouins of the Hedjaz, and on the shores of the Red Sea, as far Moeyleh, and exchange in their encampments the

"Platt Deutsch spricht-sie, ja?" Clara had said. It seemed as if there were no more to be said about the housekeeper. At prayers when they were all saying "Vater unser," she heard Jimmie murmur, "Ik kenne meine Tasse." Fraulein Pfaff came upstairs behind the girls and ordered silence as they went to their rooms.

Such names as Patrick Hayes, John Daly, John Quigly, and Dennis McKarty appear among its business men between 1666 and 1672, and in a "Census of the City of New York of the year 1703" we find people named Flynn, Walsh, Dooley, Gillen, Carroll, Kenne, Gurney, Hart, Mooney, Moran, Lynch, Kearney, and others, all "Freemen of the City of New York."

I may here add, that the Towaf is a Muselman ceremony not exclusively practised in the temple at Mekka. In the summer of 1813, I was present at the annual festival of the patron saint of Kenne, in Upper Egypt, called Seid Abderrahman el Kennawy. Many thousands of the people of the country were assembled on the plain, in which stands the saint's tomb, at a distance of one mile from the town.

The cold milk was very refreshing but the room grew stifling as they all sat round near the little centre table with the French window nearly closed, shutting off the summer-house and garden. Everybody in turn seemed to be saying "Ik kenne meine Tasse sie ist svatz." Bertha had begun it, holding up her white glass of milk as she took it from the tray and exactly imitating the housekeeper's voice.

"If Monkey-wrench screws down hard on me, you'll come to the rescue, won't you, Colonel?" "No I'll side with Mac on that subject. Whatever he says, goes!" "Humph! that Jesuit's all right." Not a word out of the Colonel. Tag' mal wer bist du? Ich kenne dich nicht. Luka. Kennst du denn sonst alle Leute? Medwjedew. In meinem Revier muß ich jeden kennen und dich kenn'ich nicht.... Luka.

She has nothing but scorn for that feminine sentiment which particularly characterizes the Latin races. The sentiment of justice and humanity is weakness and Germany is and ought to be force. Wo Preussens Macht in Frage kommt, kenne ich kein Gesetz, said Bismarck "When the power of Prussia is in question I know no law." *Enemies Most Welcome.* The German does not ask to be loved.

Leave behind the Tingel-Tangel with its uniformed bouncer at the gate, with its threadbare piano, with its "na kleener Dicker" smirked by soiled decolletés, its doleful near-naughty ditties "Ich lass mich nicht verführen, dazu bin ich zu schlau, ich kenne die Manieren der Männer ganz genau" "I won't be led astray, I am too slick for that, I know the ways of mankind, I've got them all down pat."