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"M. Lang m'a fait 1'honneur de me citer," he writes, "comme un de ses allies, et j'ai lieu de croire que M. Gaidoz en fait en quelque mesure autant. Ces messieurs n'ont point entierement tort.

He twice says that we have 'actually' claimed the Professor as 'an ally of the victorious army, 'the ethnological students of custom and myth, and once adds, 'but he strongly declined that honour. He twice quotes the famous braves gens passage, excepting only M. Gaidoz, as a scholar, from a censure explicitly directed at our possible camp-followers as distinguished from ourselves. But if Mr.

H. Gaidoz, "Le dieu gaulois du soleil et le symbolisme de la roue," Revue Archéologique, iii. série, iv. pp. 139 sq. Compare W. Mannhardt, Der Baumkultus, p. 501; and below, pp. 163 sq. Thus it appears that the ceremony of rolling the fiery wheel down hill was observed twice a year at Konz, once on the first Sunday in Lent, and once at Midsummer. See The Dying God, p. 239.

Breuil, in Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de Picardie, viii. p. 206; E. Cortet, Essai sur les Fêtes Religieuses, p. 216; Laisnel de la Salle, Croyances et Légendes du Centre de la France, i. 83; J. Lecoeur, Esquisses du Bocage Normand, ii. 225. H. Gaidoz, "Le dieu gaulois du soleil et le symbolisme de la roue," Revue Archéologique, iii. Série, iv. p. 26, note 3.

H. Gaidoz, "Le dieu Gaulois du Soleil et le symbolisme de la Roue," Revue Archéologique, iii. Série, iv. pp. 29 sq. Bruno Stehle, "Volksglauben, Sitten und Gebräuche in Lothringen," Globus, lix. pp. 378 sq.; "Die Sommerwendfeier im St. Amarinthale," Der Urquell, N.F., i. pp. 181 sqq. According to one writer, the garlands are composed of St. As to the use of St.

Professor Tiele then bids us leave our cries of triumph to the servum imitatorum pecus, braves gens, and so forth, as in the passage which Mr. Max Muller, unless I misunderstand him, regards as referring to the 'new school, and, notably, to M. Gaidoz and myself, though such language ought not to apply to M. Gaidoz, because he is a scholar. I am left to uncovenanted mercies.

Experiments made at Wimbledon with a Belgian club sent over by M. Charles Michel suggest that M. Zola has over-estimated the distance. But M. Zola and M. Deulin agree in making the players run after the ball. M. Henri Gaidoz adds that a similar game, called soule, is played in various departments of France. He refers to Laisnel de la Salle.

Therefore, after speaking so kindly of our method, and rejecting the method of Mr. 'Mr. Lang and M. Gaidoz are not entirely wrong in claiming me as an ally. My Crime Now, what important questions was I gliding over? In what questions did I not expect to find reason?

A. de Nore, Coutumes Mythes et Traditions des Provinces de France, pp. 149 sq.; E. Cortet, op. cit. pp. 218 sq. Dupin, "Notice sur quelques fêtes et divertissemens populaires du département des Deux-Sèvres," Mémoires et Dissertations publiés par la Société Royale des Antiquaires de France, iv. p. 110. H. Gaidoz, "Le dieu soleil et le symbolisme de la roue," Revue Archéologique, iii.