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"As Montesquieu wrote a Spirit of Laws," observes our Professor, "so could I write a Spirit of Clothes; thus, with an Esprit des Lois, properly an Esprit de Coutumes, we should have an Esprit de Costumes. For neither in tailoring nor in legislating does man proceed by mere Accident, but the hand is ever guided on by mysterious operations of the mind.

But if reason acquiesces in the ultimate triumph of that busy, pushing energy which distinguishes the British settler, there is something very attractive to the imagination in the picture presented by the peaceful community of French habitans, living under the gentle and congenial control of their coûtumes de Paris, with their priests and their seigneurs, their frugal, industrious habits, their amiable dispositions and simple pleasures, and their almost exaggerated reverence for order and authority.

Paris, 1801. 2 vols. 8vo. Of this island we know less than of any other part of Europe; it has been seldom explored, and still seldomer described. There is certainly no work we are acquainted with, that gives such a complete and accurate account of this island and its inhabitants as Azami's. Moeurs' et Coutumes des Corses. Par G. Faydel. Paris, 1798. 8vo.

Absolutism, especially in the guise which it had latterly assumed in France, was an innovation even there, and against this innovation the parliaments arose and defended the old laws, the us et coutumes of the old estates-of-the-realm monarchy.

When it became necessary to provide institutions for Canada, the organization of the province in France at once suggested itself as a fit pattern. Canada, like Normandy, had the governor and the intendant for her chief officials, the seigneury for the groundwork of her society, and mediaeval coutumes for her laws. The governor represented the king's dignity and the force of his arms.

'Chaque pays a ses coutumes, said he; but in the report of any gendarme, perhaps corruptly eager to increase the number of delits and the instruments of his own power, custom after custom is placed on the expurgatorial index.

W. Gregor, "Quelques coutumes du Nord-est du Comté d'Aberdeen," Revue des Traditions populaires, iii. p. 485 B. Compare Spirits of the Corn and of the Wild, i. 158 sq. F. Grabowsky, "Der Distrikt Dusson Timor in Südost-Borneo und seine Bewohner," Das Ausland, 1884, No. 24, p. 470. Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition made by Charles F. Hall, edited by Prof.

'Chaque pays a ses coutumes, said Stanislao; these it is the missionary's delicate task to modify; and the more he can do so from within, and from a native standpoint, the better he will do his work; and here I think the Catholics have sometimes the advantage; in the Vicariate of Dordillon, I am sure they had it.

When it became necessary to provide institutions for Canada, the organization of the province in France at once suggested itself as a fit pattern. Canada, like Normandy, had the governor and the intendant for her chief officials, the seigneury for the groundwork of her society, and mediaeval coutumes for her laws. The governor represented the king's dignity and the force of his arms.

A silly trade, he doubtless considered it; but a man must make allowance for barbarians chaque pays a ses coutumes and he felt the principle was there. The time came at last when his labours, which resembled those rather of Penelope than Hercules, could be no more spun out, and nothing remained but to pay him and say farewell.