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IV, 1567-1648 . For Bohemia: Ernest Denis, Fin de l'independance boheme, Vol. II , and, by the same author, La Boheme depuis la Montagne-Blanche, Vol.

The Italian threw away his half-smoked cigarette and lighted another, the Pole smiled tolerantly with half-closed eyes, as the old smile at the vagaries of the young, and Maxine in her shadowed seat felt her heart leap tumultuously as the little Jacqueline, her arm naïvely round the shoulder of M. Cartel, her head thrown back, began to sing the first lines of the duet in Louise: 'Depuis le jour je me suis donnée, toute fleurie semble ma destinée.

This repartee was applauded, and M. de Puimorin tried to turn it into an epigram. He did complete the last couplet, Helas! pour mes peches, je n'ai su' que trop lire Depuis que tu fais imprimer. But by no labour would M. de Puimorin achieve the first two lines of his epigram. Then you remember what great allies came to his assistance.

He was not even an observing spectator, but a good-natured enfant du siecle, a sinner among sinners, for whom life was one long comedy. * For instance, one stanza sung by M. de St. Maurice: "Tout les terrains, les canaux, les carrieres, Depuis le fer jusqu'au moindre metal, Les champs, les eaux, les forets, les bruyeres Tout represente un certain capital.

It will be nice to see the light again. What happened to the lantern? Did you drop it?" "I fell," he said. "I thought that I heard the good Cinders in front of me, and I ran. I tripped and struck my head. It stunned me. Après cela, I lay depuis longtemps insensible till I awoke and heard you singing so far so far away." "Whistling," said Chris.

When he begins the last of the Reveries of a Solitary Walker, 'Il y a aujourd'hui, jour des Paques Fleuris, cinquante ans depuis que j'ai premier vu Madame Warens, what a yearning of the soul is implied in that short sentence! Was all that had happened to him, all that he had thought and felt in that sad interval of time, to be accounted nothing?

D'autres personnes dont je regarde le témoignage comme véritable m'ont dit depuis que les troupes qu'annuellement la Turquie est obligée de fournir quand le seigneur veut former son armée, montent

J'ai eu depuis

«Le torrent qui porte le nom de Gave de Pau parcourt depuis sa source près des limites de l'Espagne, jusqu'

FOOTNOTES: This volume contains the following title: Voyages et Descouvertures faites en la Nouvelle France depuis l'année 1615, jusques