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I forgot that one talks like this only to opera-dancers." Then Gretchen understood. "I am all alone," she said; "I have had to fight my battles with these two hands." "I am a black devil, Kindchen. Forget what I have said. You are worthy the brightest crown in Europe; but you wear a better one than that goodness. If any one should ever make you unhappy, come to me. I will be your godfather.

And let me tell you, that takes some sense of humor. The book is my potato crop. If it fails it will mean that I must keep on drudging, with a knot or two taken in my belt. But I'll squeeze a smile out of the corner of my mouth, somehow. And if it succeeds! Oh, Ernst, if it succeeds!" "Then, Kindchen?" "Then it means that I may have a little thin layer of jam on my bread and butter.

That you, with your love of beautiful things, and your fastidiousness, should have to live in this way in these boarding-houses, alone, with not even the comforts that should be yours. Ach, Kindchen, you were not made for that. You were intended for the home, with a husband, and kinder, and all that is truly worth while." I swallowed a lump in my throat as I shrugged my shoulders. "Pooh!

"You are still obstinate? These three weeks have not changed you? Ach, Dawn! Kindchen! But I knew that these were thin spots marked "Danger!" in our conversational pond. So, "Come," said I. "I have two new aborigines for you to meet. They are the very shiniest and wildest of all our shiny-faced and wild aborigines. And you should see their trousers and neckties!

"Schlaf, mein Kindchen, schlafe," sang Emilie, swaying from side to side and softly laughing at her song and her movements. "What a big baby I have got!" she thought. "A boy!" An hour and a half later the lieutenant awoke. He fancied in his sleep that someone touched him, bent over him, breathed over him. He fumbled, and pulled off the kerchief.

The angry red ebbed away from Von Gerhard's face. The blaze of wrath in his eyes gave way to a deeper, brighter light that held me fascinated, and there came to his lips a smile of rare sweetness. The hand that had grasped my shoulder slipped down, down, until it met my hand and gripped it. "Na, 's ist schon recht, Kindchen. Those that we most care for we would hurt always.

The mustard and the sandwich and the table and Von Gerhard's face were very indistinct and uncertain to my eyes, but I managed to say: "So glad congratulate you very happy no doubt fortunate " Two strong hands grasped my wrists. "Drop that absurd mustard spoon and sandwich. Na, I did not mean to frighten you, Dawn. How your hands tremble. So, look at me. You would like Vienna, Kindchen.

He stopped the machine at the road-side. "Careful, Kindchen," he said, gravely. "Ernst," I said, and my breath came quickly, chokingly, as though I had been running fast, "Ernst, I can't do it. I'm not big enough. I can't. I hate him, I tell you, I hate him! My life is my own. I've made it what it is, in the face of a hundred temptations; in spite of a hundred pitfalls.

"Little girls need nefer to go to the masthead. Thou hast no call to be a sailor. Be only a brave kindchen, and help our goodt mother wit' the dishes." His admonition would dissolve in an unrestrained roar of laughter as she wickedly "shinned" up the porch post to a coign of vantage on the vine-covered roof. But she could not climb the tree where the snake still clung.

In the rush of the day's work I had quite forgotten about Blackie and Baumbach's. "Come, Kindchen!" he called. "Get your bonnet on. We will by Baumbach's go, no?" Ruefully I gazed at the grimy cuffs of my blouse, and felt of my dishevelled hair. "Oh, I'm afraid I can't go. I look so mussy. Haven't had time to brush up."