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The Farneses claimed Portugal; so that children sprung from the bloodroyal of England blended with that of Parma, might choose to make those pretensions valid. But the objection was promptly solved by the Commander: "The Queen of Scotland is sure to have no children," he said. That matter being adjusted, Parma's probable attitude as King of England was examined.

In the previous year a new era had begun at the court of Rome. The old race of pagan pontiffs, the Borgias, the Farneses, and the Medicis, had come to an end, and the papal throne was occupied by the puritanical Caraffa, as violent a fanatic as Robespierre, and a foe of freedom as uncompromising as Philip II. himself.

The Farneses claimed Portugal; so that children sprung from the bloodroyal of England blended with that of Parma, might choose to make those pretensions valid. But the objection was promptly solved by the Commander: "The Queen of Scotland is sure to have no children," he said. That matter being adjusted, Parma's probable attitude as King of England was examined.

The Farneses claimed Portugal; so that children sprung from the bloodroyal of England blended with that of Parma, might choose to make those pretensions valid. But the objection was promptly solved by the Commander: "The Queen of Scotland is sure to have no children," he said. That matter being adjusted, Parma's probable attitude as King of England was examined.

The Farneses claimed Portugal; so that children sprung from the bloodroyal of England blended with that of Parma, might choose to make those pretensions valid. But the objection was promptly solved by the Commander: "The Queen of Scotland is sure to have no children," he said. That matter being adjusted, Parma's probable attitude as King of England was examined.