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Tell him to hurry." Dey got me stuck up wid a gun see and I taken dis means of communication. 2 of der lads is gone down to set fire to de cain field below de hous and when yous fellers goes to turn de hoes on it de hole gang is goin to rob de hous of de money yoo gotto pay off wit say git a move on ye say de kid dropt dis sock in der rode tel her mery crismus de same as she told me.

"Yoo's mad," said Rais, drawing the tall Arab into the porch of the bath, where they could avoid the observation of passers-by. "Did not I tell yoo for to keep close?"

"Tri an git owt to de gardin soons yoo kan." When Hester Sommers discovered this note, the first ray of hope entered into her fluttering heart, and she resolved to profit by it. Meanwhile, Dinah, instead of quitting the place after delivering her basket, hid herself in the shrubbery.

But how is he to know, except by the hardest, most meaningless, and distasteful toil of the memory, whether he is to write you, or yu, or yoo, or ewe, or yew, or yue, as in flue, or even yo as in do, and to determine when and in what cases respectively he is to use those different forms?

"Wash here, fust," said Rais, leading his friend to a small fountain in a retired angle of the court. "Ebbery body here too bizzy 'joyin' theirselfs to look to yoo. An' des corner dark. Me stan' 'tween you an' dem." "But who ever heard of a white Moor?" objected Ted. "Oh, lots of 'em 'alf-castes, almost white as you," said Rais.

"Yoo don' go in bath dressed go naked," returned Rais, growing impatient. "Do noting in bath, only let 'em do what dey pleases to yoo."

An' troth, Rais, I did it; an' whin I lucked at mesilf in a smooth pool on the baich, it was for all the world as if somebody else was luckin' at me. To be short wid ye, I've bin wanderin' about the country for the last three or four days quite free an' aisy." "Nobody see yoo?" asked Rais in great surprise.

Fifty years hence, perhaps, our grandsons will be saying "constitootional," and theirs "constityootional." I confess that, in point of abstract sonority, I prefer the "yoo" to the dry "oo;" but that, again, is a pure matter of taste. If Americans choose to say, "From morn To noon he fell, from noon to dooey eve, A summer's day."

But although he had seen Ted Flaggan frequently under the aspect of a British seaman, he had never before seen him in the character of a half-boiled Moor. Besides, having been thoroughly engrossed and lost in the enjoyment of his own bath, he had paid no attention to those around him. "Turn yoos face well to de wall," whispered Rais Ali. "He great hass; hims no see yoo."

If yoo don't I am havin' you watshed an you will los yoor job an likely be hanged. We are arumd so be keerful. This aint yella. This is rite. It was a long job and he was tired when it was finished, for his days at school had been full of so many other things besides lessons that literary efforts were always strenuous for him.