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An' I'll promise you on my word of honor that you'll hear your own son's voice over the telephone good an' early tomorrow mornin' an' no mistake. But lady, ye mustn't turn yella an' holler ner nothin or we'll fling yer jewels an' paper back in yer yard an' let yer son die. We ain't goin' to run no chances ye know. You ain't got no dogs, have ye? And which side is yer room on? The front?

Becus that there maid of hers that yella' hussy give her a body massage, wit' cold cream an' all, usin' th' blankets f'r coverin', an' smearin' 'em right an' lift. This was afther they come back from th' theayter. Th' crust of thim people, using the iligent blankets off'n the beds t' " "Good night, Nellie. And thank you." "Sure, ye know I'm that upset f'r distarbin' yuh, an' all, but "

"It were," replied Teeters. "It's that big yella building with the red trimmin's." He pointed toward the town with his fringed and beaded gauntlet. "I'll be along directly, and if I kin, I'll stop and git you." "Isn't he a character!" exclaimed a lady in an Alpine hat, delightedly. Teeters wrapped the lines around the brake and descended leisurely.

If you should turn yella it ud be all up with little Laurie an' no mistake, so keep yer mouth shet an' do as I tell ye, and I'll help ye out. Yes, as I was sayin' when I seen little Laurie layin' there so still an' white, my conscience There, there, lady, don't you take on as I was sayin' my conscience troubled me, an' I says, I'm agonta get this fella free! So I figgered out a way.

I care about her a lot. I've come up here to make a pile so that we can buy back our old place in Florida." He said this chiefly to the Princess, for she evidently had profited more by her schooling, and understood things quite like a Christian. "Did you ever eat an orange, Princess?" he continued. "Kind o' fish?" "No, fruit; a yella ball that grows on a tree."

And, sez she, the furze-blossom was, be raison of it bein' the bright gould all over, that the others had mostly only a spark of somewheres inside. So it's to be yella. Tellin' you the truth, I'd liefer she wouldn't be wearin' e'er such a thing at all, anyways not in her hair, that's a sight purtier just in the big black twists.

"Yella for yourself, see," he said, to which the Chinaman answered, "Go to hellee," and went on as before. This story was told to me by very reliable eye witnesses. The buff cochin rooster and the huge negro and all the others I saw myself. And many other strange things which I have not room to write, I saw in that spot where Chinatown merges into the Latin quarter. The Pepper and Salt Man

"Got a piece called 'The Yella Rose o' Texas Beats the Belles o' Tennessee'?" "Never heard of it." "Got 'Whur the Silver Colorady Wends its Way'?" The clerk replied in the negative. "Why don't you git some good music?" "Why aren't you at the show?" "Too contrary, I reckon. When I'm out in the hills I'm a hankerin' to see somebody. When I git in town I want to git away from everybody.

For a few moments silence reigned in the camp of the Pony Rider Boys. Then the voice of the singer from somewhere outside was raised again. "W'en de ole black cat widdee yella eyes Slink round like she atter ah mouse, Den yo' bettah take keer yo'self en frien's, Kase dey's sho'ly a witch en de house." "Who is making that unearthly noise?" demanded the Professor in an irritated voice.

S'pose dat ere don't mean Edwa'd Wa'ffeld? eh missy yella bar dat him name?" The young girl made no reply; but the crimson disc became widely suffused over her cheek. With a secret joy I beheld its blushing extension. "Yah, yah, yah!" continued her tormentor, "you may see um shadda in da water dat all you ebba see ob Edwa'd Wa'ffeld.