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It is all he can do to navigate his own legs within' and weavin' along under him, ready to crumple down any minute into the gutter. He'd look well tryin' to sing gospel hims when he can't tell what his own name is, or speak it if he could. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts

He stood erect for some time, with a broad grin on his swarthy face and a twinkle in his eye, as he gazed after the young hopeful, muttering to himself, "Ho! yes bery wicked boy dat, bery; but hims capital chap, for all dat."

Presently the door of the men's house was flung open, and Rollo appeared with a large bundle on his shoulders. The bundle contained his "little all." He was gesticulating passionately to his comrades. "What's wrong now?" said Jack to Francois, as the latter came towards him. "Rollo he go 'way," said Francois. "There be an Indian come in hims canoe, and Rollo make up his mind to go off vid him."

He was awful thick with Tex, though, an' mebbe that's the reason Miss Mary thinks so much of him. She took his death mighty hard, believe me!" With a mind groping after hidden clues, Stratton subconsciously disentangled the various "hes" and "hims" of Jessup's slightly involved remark. "Pop Daggett told me about his being thrown and breaking his neck," he said presently.

"So do I, Ebony," said the youth, pausing for a moment to listen; "it must be some sort of bird, for there can be no wild animals left by the natives in so small an island." As he spoke something like a low moan was heard. The negro's mouth opened, and the whites of his great eyes seemed to dilate. "If it am a bird, massa, hims got a mos' awful voice. Mus' have cotched a drefful cold!"

"Oh! come!" interrupted Muggins in a remonstrative tone. "Yis, him wos a Injin," repeated Bunco stoutly. "Wos he a steam-ingine?" inquired Muggins with a slight touch of sarcasm. "He means an Indian, Muggins," explained Will. "Then why don't he say wot he means? However, go ahead, Ebony." "Hims wos a Injin," resumed Bunco, "ant me moder him wos a Spanish half-breed from dis yer country Peru.

But, I do b'lieve myself, dat part of it means dat Zeppa hims git on an island, anyhow." "If my dear father got upon anything, it must have been an island," said Orlando sadly. "That's troo," remarked Mrs Waroonga. "Keep your mouth shut, my da'lin'." She referred to her brown baby, which she placed with some violence on her knee.

Well, be it so, said Wilkins, somewhat disappointed, "but I'm determined to kick him up anyhow." Saying this he advanced towards the brute, but again the powerful hand of Mafuta seized him. "What you do? want git kill altogidder? You is a fool! Him got nuff strong in hims tail to crack off de legs of 'oo like stem-pipes. Yis, kom back?"

"Mais, it be new to see hims fut so big, you oogly Yankee," cried Gibault, putting Waller's cap over his eyes, and running into the bush to avoid the consequences. At that moment a deer emerged from the bushes, about fifty yards from the spot on which the trappers rested, and, plunging into the river, made for the opposite bank.

When Mahomet heard that the feudatories were massed under the bidding of Heraclius at Hims, he realised there was no time to be lost. Eagerly he summoned his army, and expected from it the same enthusiasm for the campaign as he himself displayed. But there was no generous response to his call. Syria was far away, the Believers could not be convinced of the importance of the attack.