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And I told the common people oah, such tales and anecdotes! I will tell you at old Lurgan's when you come up. We will have ah a night out! It is feather in both our caps! Yess, and they gave me a certificate. That is creaming joke. You should have seen them at the Alliance Bank identifying themselves! And thank Almighty God you got their papers so well!

"I understand," said Tom. "Yess," said Frenchy with great satisfaction. "Zat is how eet is you will understand. My pappa cannot go. Zis is hees home. So he stay stay under ze Zhermans. Ah! For everything, everything, we must pay ze tax. Five hundred soldiers, zey keep, always in zis little village and only seven hundred people. Ziss is ze way. Ugh! Even ze name zey change Dundgart! Ugh!"

"No matter," interrupted Rushford. "Which is the next best of your apartments, Pelletan?" "T'e nex' best? Why, apartment B, monsieur. Eet iss t'e counterpart of apartment A, only on t'e nort' side of t'e house instead of t'e sout'." "And it is still empty?" "At two hundret francs t'e tay? Oh, yess, monsieur; only a Prince can afford eet now." "Well, you will prepare it at once "

Yes, frien's, them wuz the words. 'Let the licker be stomped by the Govunment for the sakes of the young chap, s' I, 'an' I'll hide the jug along er my wickedness in Teague's hoss-stable. So then, frien's, yess be a sojourneyin', an' ef you feel the needance er somethin' quick an' strong for to brace you for endurance, make your way to the lot, an' feel behin' the stable-door an' watch out for the kickin' mule!

I was very tired. My Holy One was sick, too. And did he fall into 'Oah yess. I am his good friend, I tell you. He was behaving very strange when I came down after you, and I thought perhaps he might have the papers. I followed him on his meditations, and to discuss ethnological points also. You see, I am verree small person here nowadays, in comparison with all his charms.

"Murder!" said Long Jack. "Don't do that again, doctor. We ain't used to ut." "What's wrong?" said Dan. "Ain't he our mascot, and didn't they strike on good after we'd struck him?" "Oh! yess," said the cook. "I know that, but the catch iss not finish yet." "He ain't goin' to do us any harm," said Dan, hotly. "Where are ye hintin' an' edgin' to? He's all right." "No harm. No.

"You," cried a drunken English voice from an upper floor it was the middle-aged Englishman translating what the executioner had said "you, you will take the head." Then a rough laugh, and the repeating voice of the Englishman's girl, still pursuing her studies in English: "You will take ze 'ead. Yess, sair." And another laugh. At length quiet reigned in the hotel.

"He told me all about how your father fought in the Franco-Prussian War," Tom went on, "and he gave me this button and he said it was made from a cannon they used and " "Ah, yess, I know!" Florette exclaimed delightedly. "He said if I should ever happen to be in Alsace all I'd have to do would be to show it to any French people and they'd help me.

Father Victor stepped forward quickly and opened the front of Kim's upper garment. 'You see, Bennett, he's not very black. What's your name? 'Kim. 'Or Kimball? 'Perhaps. Will you let me go away? 'What else? 'They call me Kim Rishti ke. That is Kim of the Rishti. 'What is that "Rishti"? 'Eye-rishti that was the Regiment my father's. 'Irish oh, I see. 'Yess. That was how my father told me.

"Yess, you are a fine boy!" said Frenchy again, clapping him on the shoulder with such vehemence as to interrupt his train of thought. "Zey must be fine people all ze way back to haf' such a boy. You see?"