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"I knows a man," replied the guard reflectively, "who might do it on my recommend. Sometimes, w'en a man aint got no frien's, but kin lay aroun' 'im an' scoop tergedder a couple er hundred dollars, I mention him ter my frien' wid a recommend, an' dat settles it, out he comes." "Two hundret tollaire!" cried Tulitz, almost piteously.

Him Hugo he svim like a otter, he do, but me I svim like a stone. De shore he ban couple hundret yard off, mebbe leetle more. I hold on to de bow and Hugo he grab de stern. So he begin push for shore, svimmin' vid his feet, but dat turriple slow going, vid de canoe all under vater, yoost holdin' us up a bit, and it vos cold, awful turriple cold in dat vater.

"No matter," interrupted Rushford. "Which is the next best of your apartments, Pelletan?" "T'e nex' best? Why, apartment B, monsieur. Eet iss t'e counterpart of apartment A, only on t'e nort' side of t'e house instead of t'e sout'." "And it is still empty?" "At two hundret francs t'e tay? Oh, yess, monsieur; only a Prince can afford eet now." "Well, you will prepare it at once "

"Der musig haf no heart for you," he complained. "Maype you vould like a popular song to sing to me. I vill gif you 'Efrybody Vorks Poor Vather. Yes? No?" "Don't yez do it, Hans," entreated Barney. "We have suffered enough already." "Und id vos such a peautiful song!" moaned Dunnerwurst. "I understandt der author uf dot song got only fife hundret dollars for writin' id."

"Aye never ban licked yet," he added reminiscently. "When we cabled we were sending a man to relieve him," Cappy complained, "he replied, telling us to insure his successor's life, because he was going to throw him overboard the minute he arrived." All Hands And Feet swept away any lingering fears Cappy might chance to be entertaining. "Aye ban weigh two hundret an' saxty pounds," he announced.

A full house wins so much as six hundret francs t'e tay." "Yes," assented Rushford, "a full house is a mighty nice thing. But now you seem to be holding only a bob-tail." "A pop-tail?" "No matter go ahead with the story. You say it costs you a hundred dollars a day to keep your doors open. What's the heaviest item?" "T'e greates' item at present iss t'e chef.

"Waal," drawled Gallup, "maybe it was his first offense. Did he pay the fine?" "Fife hundret dollars vos a small amoundt," said Hans. "Still I vould like to add it py my 'lefen dollars and seventeen cents vot I haf my pocket in." "How much would that make in all?" questioned Gallup.